[CPTexas] Message from the Chairman

July 7th, 2016 at 4:10 pm CDT


Dear Team,

Exciting news - we got a message from Darrell Castle (our candidate for President) last week, to see if we can squeeze him in to the schedule at our state conference on August 13 in Belton, Texas,  I was swamped with Independence Day events, but was happy to let him know that we think we can squeeze him in, somehow. 

But then I had this scary thought - what if nobody shows up?  If only six of us are there, that's going to look pretty sad.  (Yes, I'm exaggerating as usual.)  But the truth is, we cannot pull this off without your support, one way or another.  If you can possibly attend, then please go now to www.CPTexas.us, click on the link to the State Conference, and purchase a ticket now.  If you want to go, but don't want to use the internet to pay, please drop me a line and reserve your seat, because seating really is limited, and if we sell out, you will be unhappy with us when the fire marshal won't let you in the door.  Or, if you would like to buy tickets for someone else, you can do that as well.  (Just be sure to let them know.)

And, of course, if you just cannot make it, we understand.  You can assuage your conscience however, by going to the same website and making a donation of $100 (or more).  That way you become a PATRON of the Conference, with your name on the program, and more importantly, you really help insure that we'll be around for building a viable alternative for the 2018 election.

Oh, and if you didn't vote in the primaries this year, we still need a few more people to step forward and agree to serve as Electors, in the event that Darrell Castle wins in Texas.  Yes, we know, he won't win in Texas.  But he can't even be approved as a write-in candidate if we don't have 38 Electors committed to vote for him.  The problem is that all of you are so highly motivated to save the country, that you voted as Republicans in the primary.  We understand.  We are working on a 12-Step Program to help you with that problem, but it entails having a viable party in YOUR county, and YOU are the key to starting that process.  PLEASE help us sign up at least one more Texan, preferably in your county, but somewhere in Texas, in the month of July!! 

Did you hear that Sheriff Richard Mack will also be one of our speakers at this conference?  He brings an inspiring story, and will motivate you to go home and either educate your sheriff, or replace him at the next election!

For a Constitution Republic, once again, or else!

Daniel New, Chairman
Constitution Party of Texas

PS.  You have my specific permission to multiply this invitation by sending it to ten patriotic families you know personally, here in Texas!

We are the OFFICIAL
Constitution Party of Texas





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Although we want to hear from you, please do not reply or send questions to this address. Simply direct your questions and correspondence to chairman_at_cptexas.us or go to our website at http://www.cptexas.us
and contact us from there. Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you!

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