[CPTexas] Do you believe this?

July 26th, 2015 at 8:39 am CDT


Dear Patriot: 

Do you believe this? 

Political scientist Ronalld Rapaport wrote the book on third parties.  Literally.  It’s called “Three's a Crowd,” and indeed it is. The key thing he found about third parties is that “they need some sort of unique agenda.  There has to be a reason why you’re going to support a third party.” 

You and I know that the Constitution Party offers voters a reason why our candidates represent Middle America.  For example, in his campaign for the West Virginia State Senate, Jeffrey-Frank Jarrell told the media: “Illegal Immigrants are just that illegal. Until naturalized or given a visa, if they come to this country, they are outlaws subject to arrest and deportation.  I welcome anyone who comes to this country in the proper manner.  There is a process that will produce a naturalized citizen and that is what is the only way that immigration should be allowed to happen. “

Jeffrey-Frank offered voters an honest, logical, and forthright expression of our Constitution Party’s beliefs. Unlike the political duopoly, Jeffery-Frank’s approach gives voters reason to think about their choices as they enter the polling booth.

And some good news

In Alaska, some 3,000 signatures are needed on petitions to gain ballot access. Our Constitution Party affiliate there just submitted 4,500 names we are awaiting notification we are certified.

And in Tennessee, a suit brought by Tennessee’s Green and Constitution parties, Chief Judge R. Guy Cole of the US Court of Appeals has declared that a controversial ballot retention statute “clearly imposes a heavier burden on minor parties than major parties by giving minor parties less time to obtain the same level of electoral success as established parties.”

Ballot access via signatures, candidates running on principled yet practical platforms, and legal initiatives to force the elitist-controlled political process that will open election day to a free market of ideas, has the professors and pundits re-thinking their assertions.

Frank Fluckiger
National Chairman

We are the OFFICIAL
Constitution Party of Texas



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