[CPTexas] August 12 - the night before

July 20th, 2016 at 10:02 am CDT


Dear Constitution Party Members,

As you know, we are holding our Texas State Conference on August 13, a Saturday, at the Summers Mill Conference Center in Belton.  Some of you have bought your tickets, others are expecting to buy tickets at the door (and while I'm NOT hoping you can't get in, we are limited in seating and you may find yourself standing around the back of the room if all the seats at tables are taken!  So... please order tickets now!  It will help us so much if you can order ahead and give us an accurate count of how many to expect. 

For those who want to join us the evening before, on Friday night, to visit with Keynote Speaker Sheriff Richard Mack (and his wife, Dawn), and with Presidential Candidate Darrell Castle (and his wife, Joan), need to RSVP to me, the sooner the better.  We'll be dining at the Oxbow Steakhouse in Belton, right on I-35, so it won't be hard to find.

There are several motels in the area - we have not yet made one of the "the official motel" of the conference, but there are a lot of rooms.  It is, however, a week of graduation for some colleges, so book early.

We do hope you will realize the importance of building a party organization in YOUR county.  The theme of the conference is "County by County".  In the same way that the national party cannot succeed without state parties, the Texas party cannot succeed without strong county parties.  It all comes down to you, my friend, and ten of your friends.  If you have friends, for instance, who are active in the Tea Party near you, you have potential recruits.  Be sure they understand that THIS is the party that created specifically for the Tea Party Movement - in advance!  But we have failed to sell it, and allowed the Republicans to co-opt the Movement.  They need to wake up and smell the coffee and realize that they are being used for their votes, yet their principles mean nothing to the Elite Party Bosses like Karl Rove and the Bush family.

I hope you don think that we so naive as to think Darrell Castle is going to win this election.  Darrell has offered himself, in a selfless quest to build a party.  You have to have a candidate - he's giving up far more than most of us will ever invest in his time and energy and his personal money to help you and me build a party.  If we do this right, this year, then we can be running candidates in 2018, up and down the ballot.  And do you know the races that are more important than the office of president?  Let me tell you what we must run for, in 2018, in your county:

  • Sheriff
  • County Judge
  • County Commissioners
  • State Rep
  • State Senate
  • Constable
  • Justice of the Peace
  • County Clerk
  • City Council
  • School Board

Your county team can focus on those races.  Several of them pay pretty good salaries.  Some of them are non-partisan.  You can run as Independents in the others, since we won't have ballot access until we are strong enough to surmount the barriers erected by the Republicans and Democrats alike.  But you can't do it by yourself.  You have to convince some people that GOP is not going to experience an epiphany and suddenly become God's political party.  You, yourself, must believe that nothing is happening because everybody is waiting on "SOMEBODY to do something."  Well, it's time you became "Somebody" in your county.  We're not asking you to run for sheriff (although you're welcome to!) - just get some friends together to prayerfully go about getting some more friends together, etc.; educating them to both the issues and to the mechanics of how to change the system - from the roots. 

We have a good lineup of speakers, we have some literature to give you to take home, we have good food and good fellowship - and we believe you will go home from this conference in Belton mentally challenged and spiritually refreshed.

Book your tickets here:  https://cptexas2016.eventbrite.com
(It may be easier to go to www.CPTexas.us, and follow the link.)

As sad a day as this is for many Republicans, our Founder, Howard Phillips anticipated it years ago, when he formed the US Taxpayers Party, which became the Constitution Party (a much better name).  He anticipated this time when conservatives would walk out of the GOP and start working to have a REAL conservative alternative.  As you can imagine, we are suddenly swamped with requests for information and applications for membership.  Praise the Lord!  You can get an application from printed out from the website, and had it to two friends in your county, and you'll be on your way!

If you don't have a county organization, will you help us build one?  Start by becoming a "Point of Contact".  Tell me you're interested.

More later, hope to see you in Belton on August 13.

Daniel New, Chairman
Constitution Party of Texas

We are the OFFICIAL
Constitution Party of Texas


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Although we want to hear from you, please do not reply or send questions to this address. Simply direct your questions and correspondence to chairman_at_cptexas.us or go to our website at http://www.cptexas.us
and contact us from there. Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you!

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