[CP Texas] Why is there no CP Candidates elected in Texas?

August 4th, 2011 at 8:17 am CDT


We are getting tons of request asking basically the same question.

The question is: Why is there no CP Candidates elected?

Below is a great email exchange I had with a recent contact, so I thought I would send out are response so you can help us gather the ground troops we need to build for 2012 Ballot Access.

Here is the exact email question that we received: 

"I am a Constitutionalist, I am sworn to defend the Constitution of the united states of america, against all enemies both foreign and domestic, so help me God! And I am TEXAS PROUD! IN looking at  your site I see "0" Zilch, none, in the Legislative Representation! NO State Representatives, No State Senators, NO Constitution Party Elected Officials! And I MUST ASK: WHY?......Please respond!"

And here is our response.
Your observation is correct, Sir, we have won no elections.  And your question is a fair one - why not?  The answer is two-fold.  

First the monopoly (duopoly) shared by the Socialist Welfare Party (Democrats) and the Socialist Warfare Party (Republicans) has a pretty good choke-hold on the playing field. I don't know if you are aware of this or not, but they have set the hurdle so high on ballot access that it is very, very difficult to clear.  We must gather over 50,000+ petitions from registered voters who do NOT vote in any primary in 75 days just to participate in our own political process. Please remember that Texas had two (2) independent governor candidates do just this in the 2006 race and each raised over $1 Million to get "on the ballot". You show us how to come up with those 50,000+ names on petitions, all registered voters, and none of whom voted in another party's primary, and we can clear that barrier.  

Second, it's because "Texas-Proud Constitutionalists" like yourself, who comprise a small but energetic minority of the population, have not seen fit to give up their habit of supporting the Group Of Prostitutes (GOP) who consistently vote for more socialism and more deficit spending and more national debt and more illegal wars and more globalism.  

Frankly, Sir, it is because people like you, who profess to care, have not joined our party and worked hard to make it successful. I will admit that you might not have heard of us or even knew that we have existed since 1996 running candidates here in Texas! 

As I see it, here are your options:
  • Give up the fight;
  • Keep on supporting Republicans who thrive on the money and votes of gullible patriots who seem to be too stupid or too apathetic to look beyond the rhetoric and the nicely-worded Platforms;
  • Find a party that agrees with your principles, throw yourself into the battle, and help make it an effective weapon for reducing the federal government back to the Servant of the States that it was intended to be.
If you want to be active in our party, come on in.  We accept no funds from corporate so we are truly a Grassroots Organization relying upon great Americans like yourself. Pay your dues, organize your county, then your region, and we'll make you the state chairman, if you prove competent in your roles as County Chairman and then Regional Chairman.  I am not being sarcastic, I am totally sincere in that offer.  We need men with the patriotic fervor that you display in your confrontational message.  We need men willing to confront, and to lead!  We need men capable of organizing and of marketing our party to what we believe is a majority of voters - those who love this country, and want to see its government restored to Constitutional limits.

I will point out to you that this party, started in 1992 by Howard Phillips as the Taxpayers Party (a name which did not sell) was designed for this moment in history.  Mr. Phillips foresaw the day when the taxpayers and the productive Americans would react to the socialist directions that both major parties have given us, and that we would need a party of our own.  This is the party designed for what has become the Tea Party Movement.  Unfortunately for us, we have been unable to market ourselves to that group of people for which we were designed to serve and to represent.  Is that their fault, or is it ours?  You tell us how to do that, and we WILL start achieving ballot access and we will start winning elections.

I will look forward to your application for membership in the mail, along with a significant donation.  Until you join and start helping us make a difference, we will never accomplish anything. Here is a link to download our membership application: http://www.cptexas.us/docs/App4Membership.pdf.

For a sovereign Constitutional Republic, under God, once again,

Bryan Malatesta, Chairman
Constitution Party of Texas
We are the OFFICIAL
Constitution Party of Texas



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Although we want to hear from you, please do not reply or send questions to this address. Simply direct your questions and correspondence to chairman_at_cptexas.us or go to our website at http://www.cptexas.us
and contact us from there. Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you!

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