[CP Texas] Newsletter from the Chairman for February 2013

February 20th, 2013 at 6:49 pm CDT


Dear Friends of Constitutional Government,

It seems Obama is marching toward implantation of his Marxist, Socialist policies with little or no resistance from the GOP.  Gun control seems to be at the top of Obama's list.

For the most recent Newsletter from National, including the party's position on the Second Amendment, click here.  Many of our state organizations have already begun planning for the 2014 elections. 

As many of you know, we need over 50,000 valid signatures to achieve ballot access in Texas.  Our next ballot access drive commences March 2014.  But planning for the drive begins NOW.  We are asking party members and other freedom loving conservatives to consider making a pledge NOW to sign our ballot access petition in March 2014.  We are also recruiting volunteers to collect signatures.  To be eligible sign our petition, you must be a registered voter and NOT vote have voted in any primary.  We'll have more to say about this soon.

When thinking about supporting our party and talking to others, you might ponder some of the following questions:

Isn't it nice to finally find a party that actually agrees with you about the Constitution?

Isn't it nice to find people who don't think you're strange because you believe that the Constitution (and the Bill of Rights) should be the Supreme Law of the Land?

Isn't it nice to find a party that believes in a return to a "federal" system instead of a "national" system of government, where the States have equal power and authority to that of the federal government?

Isn't it nice to have a party that brings good analysis, good articles, educational efforts, and stands without compromise for a return to Constitutional government?

Isn't it nice to not have to try to figure out why your party leaders are following a path that is totally at odds with the party's platform and by-laws?

And wouldn't it be nice if that party had some serious candidates who were not only on the ballot, but had a chance to win elections?

The Pioneers of the Party have done their part - they've created this party for all patriotic Americans with one primary view - to elect candidates who understand the Constitution and who are willing to fight the prevailing current of Democrat Socialists and Republican Socialists who are taking us ever closer to a tsunami of governmental control, economic and political chaos, and a possible breakdown of civil order. 

The party faithful has maintained this party and done their best to get through the rough shallows of organizing and holding it together until the People were disgusted enough with politics as usual to do something unusual - to change the direction of the political process.

But that's never going to happen without you!  Your paid membership doesn't prevent your voting for another candidate when you choose, but it does help us build an alternative to "politics as usual". 

Beyond that, a monthly commitment would make a huge difference.  Are you willing, for instance, to donate to the Constitution Party an amount equal to one half what you spend every month on coffee, or soft drinks?  We'll take it! 

Considering the value of a dollar, if you put a dollar a day in a coffee can, it's really not much.  But just 25 members making a $30 monthly pledge would make a huge difference in our being able to effectively function and provide literature our county and regional coordinators need to build chapters and recruit candidates for 2014.  That would give us a budget of $750 a month, and you would see a very different party by this time next year.

Can I count on you for a buck a day?  What's freedom for your children and grandchildren worth?   You can send a check or pay on line by credit card using PayPal.  Annual dues for 2013 are now due and contributions in any amount are appreciated any time of year.  How much or however you do it, with your help we can "get 'er done!" 

Bob Eoff, Chairman
Constitution Party of Texas

We are the OFFICIAL
Constitution Party of Texas



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Although we want to hear from you, please do not reply or send questions to this address. Simply direct your questions and correspondence to chairman_at_cptexas.us or go to our website at http://www.cptexas.us
and contact us from there. Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you!

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