CP Texas News 9 August 2010 - The Call for Nullification

August 9th, 2010 at 7:57 pm CDT


The Call for Nullification – it’s our Party’s Call!

234 years ago today, on August 10, 1776, news reached London that the Americans had drafted the Declaration of Independence.

Until the Declaration of Independence formally transformed the 13 British colonies into states, both Americans and the British saw the conflict centered in Massachusetts as a local uprising within the British empire. To King George III, it was a colonial rebellion, and to the Americans, it was a struggle for their rights as British citizens. However, when Parliament continued to oppose any reform and remained unwilling to negotiate with the American rebels and instead hired Hessians, German mercenaries, to help the British army crush the rebellion, the Continental Congress began to pass measures abolishing British authority in the colonies. Does this sound familiar?? Sounds like Washington DC all over again and it reminds me of the need for the 9th and 10th amendment issues today and the cry for Nullification Now!

In January 1776, Thomas Paine published Common Sense, an influential political pamphlet that convincingly argued for American independence from the British monarchy. It sold more than 500,000 copies in just a few months.

Today, We the People have Nullify Now conferences that are being held all over America this fall and YOU and I at the Constitution Party of Texas have been invited to participate!

This is our time to make our call for Nullification Now! And we can rise up like our forefathers did and throw off the yoke of bondage and spread the message together.

We have been asked to be a leading sponsor at the upcoming 10th Amendment Centers Nullify Now conference in Fort Worth this September 4. This is 4 weeks away….Due to this incredible opportunity we need your help to partner with us to raise the funds to present our materials and our message. Close to 400 like minded Americans will be attending this event to hear the cry for Nullification Now and States Rights!! That is OUR message….and we need to be there handing out our materials and signing up new members but we need your help to do it.

We need to raise $1000 to cover the sponsor and materials costs! We have until end of business Thursday – that is just three days to raise the funds…..just 48 hours… I know it is quick but I believe we can raise the funds… and frankly we can’t let this opportunity slip past us. Tickets are going fast to this event and it will be a SOLD OUT SHOW.

These 400 Americans need to hear our message…

We need 20 supporters who will invest $50 into their future and the future of their children and grandchildren! In fact, this is the perfect time to explain to your children WHY you are making such an investment. Show them that like our Founding Fathers, we must walk our walk to talk our talk!

Won’t you please donate $50 today so we can confirm our presence at this unprecedented event? Every donor to this project will receive an audio CD from our 2010 State Convention that includes two of the most incredible presentations given:

  1. The first from fellow Texan Richard Ohendalski from Huntsville titled “Bibilical Roots of Civil Government” you want and need to hear this.
  2. And the second from Tim Baldwin, son of Dr. Chuck Baldwin titled States Rights – An Exercise in Liberty. Tim leads the Liberty Defense League.

These two presentations are our gifts back to you for partnering with us at this event! You can read more about this event at nullifynow.com.

Lastly, we would love to have our Texas supporters come out in mass to help discuss our party, and to meet and greet fellow Texans looking for change the Founding Fathers could believe in! There will be plenty of people to talk to and to share our vision of limited constitutional government as the founding fathers gave us.

America and Texas needs you and I and the Constitution Party more than ever right now. We are the founding fathers party…..and we are Change the Founding Fathers believed in…. and we need to be at the 10th Amendment Centers conference titled Nullify Now as a leading sponsor. But we need your help to do it.

Join with us today by donating $50 at cptexas.us and click on the Nullify Now button! Again, every $50 donation will receive two outstanding presentations as our thank you for your support.

Remember, you are the backbone of this party and without you our members and supporters, we couldn’t keep this work alive. I look forward to your generous donation and let me know if you can come to the event and help work the booth with us. I would love to stand with you at this event.

Just like London, 234 Years ago hearing that the Colonists declared Independence, let Washington hear NOW that Nullification and the 10th Amendment are alive and well deep in the heart of Texas! Let’s not wait 234 more years. Nullify Now.

I’m Bryan Malatesta, chairman of the Constitution Party of Texas….and remember our name says it all.

We are the OFFICIAL Constitution Party of Texas

Accept no substitutes, and do not be fooled by imposters!

Yes, believe it or not, there are at least two other groups out there who like our concept so much that they have stolen our logos, our platform, and even our name! It's nice to be popular, but this is the real deal. 

Just ask our National CP Chairman,
Jim Clymer

Visit our new video blog

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Although we want to hear from you, please do not reply or send questions to this address. Simply direct your questions and correspondence to chairman_at_cptexas.us or go to our website at http://www.cptexas.us
and contact us from there. Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you!

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