CP Texas News 16 June 2009

June 16th, 2009 at 7:42 pm CDT

Dear Friends of the Constitution,

Over the next few days we will be highlighting resolutions that passed at the recent National Committee Meeting in Newark, NJ:
Resolution Opposing the Confirmation of the Nomination of Sonia Sotomayor
by Constitution Party National Committee
Newark, New Jersey

Whereas, on May 24, President Obama nominated 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Sonia Sotomayor to be a supreme Court justice, citing her empathy and life experiences; and

Whereas, she denies the applicability of the individual right to bear arms protected by the 2nd Amendment to the citizens of the several states; and

Whereas, she favors statehood for Puerto Rico, which would increase the danger of America ceasing to be an exclusively English language country; and

Whereas, she supports giving voting rights to convicted murderers who are still serving time in prison; and

Whereas, she is comprehensively opposed to the death penalty for convicted first degree murderers; and

Whereas, she has been a member of the National Council of La Raza, many of the leaders of which favor amnesty for illegal aliens and the return of the southwest United States to Mexico; and

Whereas, she favors racial and ethnic quotas in education and employment; and

Therefore, the Constitution Party National Committee urges the US Senate to reject confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor to be a justice of the Supreme Court of these United States.

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