CP Texas - Memorial Day 2009

May 25th, 2009 at 7:05 am CDT

Memorial Day 2009
editorial by Daniel New

Memorial Day.  We honor those of our military who paid the ultimate sacrifice, and those who risked their lives, yet survived.  It's a curious custom to me, if we honor the soldier but not the cause for which he fights and sometimes dies.  Are we glorifying war, or are we honoring those who fought to keep us free? 

Every country has one.  In Russia it's called Soldier's Day.   And they too have honored the soldiers who died to "keep them free."  Only they didn't.  It was a hoax.  Those men died in order to keep the population under the absolute tyranny of Marxism.  They fought to expand the Soviet Empire, and yet... mothers still grieved and wives still hurt at the loss, and children were still bewildered and orphaned.  There is tremendous pathos in all that, but they were hardly champions of Liberty.  No doubt, the mothers of Nazi soldiers grieved precisely as did the mothers of American and British soldiers during World War II.   Are they (and we) worshipping the cult of the warrior, or merely the price that they paid?  Because, if that's all it is, then Memorial Day is nothing but maudlin sentimentality.

Those who take the oath of allegiance are aware, in this country, that their oath is NOT to the Commander in Chief, it is not to the President, it is not even to the country!  It is to a document, and that is the Constitution of the United States.  When any order is given that is contrary to that document, it not only does not have to be obeyed, but it is the duty of every person in uniform to disobey an illegal and/or unlawful order!  Did you know that?  (It used to be in Field Training Manual 22-100, on Leadership, given to every soldier at Basic Training.)  This has been taught at West Point and the other military academies, from their inception. 

Of course, one disobeys an order at one's peril, and to keep your career intact is rare indeed, but it has been done.  As Michael New will tell you, it's a heavy price to pay, but that he will never wear a blue beret for the United Nations, not even if they somehow make it legal.  Why?  Because, in his mind, he was an American soldier, not a mercenary to be traded off like NFL football players to other teams.  That's a return to feudalism, where kings did that sort of thing.  Americans have an instinctive reaction to being thought of as property, to be played or traded, as the team owner desires.  The words come back to us from Vietnam protestors, "Hell no, we won't go!"  How ironic.

Of course, we want to feel pride for our family members, and for every American in uniform, ideally.  But only if they are being loyal to their oath of allegiance.  Those who kowtow to politicians and compromise their missions in order to climb the political ladder are not to be honored, they are to be despised and ridiculed everywhere they go.  Every war is political, and when soldiers die, they don't do it because they believe in the political questions being settled "by other means", but because they have no choice.  

Those American citizens who join a foreign army run the risk of losing their US citizenship, and rightly so.  What, then, should happen to those politicians who attempt to FORCE American soldiers to become "United Nations Peacekeepers", or to fight and kill and perhaps die in a war that was not declared by Congress, as required by the Constitution of the United States?  What should happen to politicians who don't have the backbone to vote for a war, but then vote the funds for a president to pursue an unconstitutional war, placing our sons and daughters in the bulls-eye -- NOT FOR FREEDOM, but for oil!  NOT FOR FREEDOM, but for promoting International Governance!  NOT FOR FREEDOM, but for imposing the New World Agenda upon yet another country!

May I suggest to you that a more meaningful way to  honor our fallen military is to decide here and now that in the next election, you will be voting out every incumbent politician who has voted for funds for a war that they have not declared, as required by law!  To dismiss from office every politician, regardless of party, who does not understand their oath of allegiance to the Constitution.  To FIRE those public servants who have become our Lords and Masters, with extreme prejudice.  Now, THAT will honor your fallen military, and that will go a long way to protecting their descendants from becoming citizens and soldiers in the New World Army of the United Nations.

If those who have died on battlefields have really and truly died to protect our freedom, do we not owe it to them, and their children, to preserve that same freedom back home?  Otherwise, they will have died in vain, if we waste that freedom with an overabundance of apathy and self-indulgence, and allow socialism and Marxism to destroy from within that which it could not possibly take by a frontal assault.

Honor our military -- take our country back!

A reminder that we still have seats, and meals, available for the Constitution Party State Conference on June 13. Please register now, and help us plan meals and seating arrangements. The clock is ticking. Please mark your calendar for June 13, and register now and be sure of getting a seat. If we're sold out, and you show up at the door, you'll miss out on one of the premier events of 2009, with Pastor Garrett Lear, bringing America a message from 1776.

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