[CP Texas] Happy New Year

January 9th, 2012 at 8:11 am CDT


Happy New Year!

It's January, and that means it's time to send your annual dues and contributions to sustain the Constitution Party.

As you know, we face a critical election this year.  And as it was four years ago, Ron Paul's candidacy has drawn almost every conservative (and their donations) to his noble cause, however doomed it may be.

Of course, we understand why so many of you have joined the alluring call of One Last Hope, from a party that has specialized in that tactic for many decades.  After the dust settles, after the primary, we want you all to know that “all is forgiven, please come home.”  (c:

The bottom line is this — we cannot build a party without volunteers and donations.  And if we don't build a party to pick up the pieces, when the Ron Paul campaign is finally destroyed by the Elites, then where will any of us be able to turn for a Constitutional alternative?

We're in this for the long haul, and with your help, we'll still be here in elections to come.  But not without the faithful few, willing to invest in the future by keeping the Constitution Party alive for the sake of Liberty.

If you can send a mere dollar — a day - $365, you would become a Sustaining Member and as such, you will invited to serve on our either your county or your regional Executive Committee.

If you can only spare a dollar — a week — and send us a mere $52, you'll be one of our heroes. 

If you pay regular annual dues, that will help keep your name active on our rolls, and then perhaps you'll give a gift membership for someone else who shares our values.

Please use the attached form to bring our records up to date.  Phones and e-mails are changing all the time, and we are finding a lot of our records are out of date.

For a Constitutional Republic, under God, once again,

Robert Eoff
Constitution Party of Texas

We are the OFFICIAL
Constitution Party of Texas



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and contact us from there. Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you!

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