[CP Texas] Call for Candidates for 2012

September 12th, 2011 at 6:05 am CDT


Dear Friends of Liberty and of Constitutional Government,

Every election year we receive a flurry of letters and phone calls and e-mails from Texans who suddenly realize that the Republicans have done it to us again, offering us far more in the way of socialist retreads than genuine conservatives, and they suddenly see the need for some genuine constitutional candidates.  They ask us if they can run on our platform.  Every year, our answer is, "NO!"

The way the election laws are set up in Texas, it is by then too late to file or even contemplate running, on any party.  The deadline for filing your candidacy, regardless of party, is on the first business day after the New Year.  That will be January 2, 2012

Conservatives for many years have been relying on chance and trust in the political status quo to give us constitutional alternatives on the ballot in November.  We refer to this as Battle Plan A.  And it simply doesn't work.  Sure, there's always one here and one there, but across the board, we are asked to hold our noses and vote for "the lesser of two weevils" in November, which causes us to wind up with another crop of RINO's and Neocons who have probably never even read the Constitution, much less have an inkling of what it's all about.

At what point do we wake up and realize that the current Two Party Monopoly is not ever going to serve the return to constitutional government???  What has brought us to this sad, sorry state of affairs is not going to take us away from it - no matter what Rick Perry and Mitt Romney promise you.

To be on the ballot in 2012, you have to make up your mind to run for office now! Call or write now, and find out how to do it!

If you hope to see constitutional candidates on the ballot in November 2012, then the time to decide to run is right now.  Either you run, or your find someone who has what it takes, and you motivate them to run — right now!!!

We have an idea that will guarantee that there will be numerous candidates on the ballot in November, whether or not this party makes ballot access!  We call it Battle Plan B, and it will work if a few Texans will make themselves available to study the plan, then work the plan.

It will work if we make Ballot Access, and it will work if we don't.  To learn more about it, contact me now, ask for the Introductory Kit to Battle Plan B, and let's blaze a trail around the road blocks to ballot access, and give Texans a choice in November.

In the meantime, we need your donations.  If you haven't paid your dues, please do so now.  If you can join the "Buck a Day Club", please ask how to donate an amount that is less than you probably spend on soft drinks or coffee every day. 

Friends, if you think the Republicans are going to do this for you, you've been drinking the Kool Aid!  Remember the sell-out in 1994 by Newt Gingrich and his "Contract on America"?  We've been there and been fooled too many times.

And the Tea Parties are nothing but pep rallies unless they can figure out how to get candidates on the ballot!  We can do that — if a few good candidates will find the courage to run outside the system and show up as a viable alternative in November! In fact, we are the Tea Party Party! Come join us and force the debate to be on our topics and issues.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you,

Bryan Malatesta, Chairman
2721 N. Hill Terrace
Cleburne, Texas 76031


Hope and Change the Founding Fathers believed in!

We are the OFFICIAL
Constitution Party of Texas



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Although we want to hear from you, please do not reply or send questions to this address. Simply direct your questions and correspondence to chairman_at_cptexas.us or go to our website at http://www.cptexas.us
and contact us from there. Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you!

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