[CO Texas] Letter from Chairman Bob Eoff to CP Membership

December 5th, 2013 at 6:26 pm CDT


To all Members and Friends of the Constitution Party:

Recent changes in the election code in Texas have left us scrambling to get things done.  The date of our state convention, for example, has been rescheduled from June to April 12, 2014.  That means Precinct Conventions will be held on March 11.  Time is short.

This not only affects our timing, it affects our candidates and our entire Ballot Access Drive.  Candidates must file with the party an intent to run by December 9, 2013, and that means I have only a few days to get your form filed with the Texas Secretary of State. 

You DO want to run for office, don’t you?  You do want to help us build a party, don’t you?  Well, your candidacy can go a long way to helping us build a party, and eventually to being in a position to win some races.  Obviously, most of our candidates have no intention of spending a lot of money and trying to win, but there are a couple who do, and who will be doing more than just putting names on a form to satisfy a legal requirement. 

We have potential candidates right now for US Senate, US Congress and Governor of Texas.  What we would love to see is a candidate for the Texas legislature, for county commissioner, and other local offices. 

Once again, we will be required to turn in petitions with over 50,000 names of registered voters who will state they want us on the ballot next November.  This is an impossible task for one candidate to perform, but if we can find 50 candidates, and each will assume the modest and very doable goal of 1,000 names on petitions, then really could be on the ballot next year!

But we can’t do it without you, and without candidates!  Please consider putting your name, or finding a friend who will agree to run on the “radical” platform known as the Constitution of the United States. 

Please let me know immediately.  Call me or e-mail me at the contact information below.  Then start making plans to attend our April convention, which we hope will be in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area this time.

For a Constitutional Republic, once again,

Bob Eoff, Chairman
Constitution Party of Texas


“Hope and Change the Founding Fathers believed in!”


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Constitution Party of Texas



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Although we want to hear from you, please do not reply or send questions to this address. Simply direct your questions and correspondence to chairman_at_cptexas.us or go to our website at http://www.cptexas.us
and contact us from there. Thanks and we look forward to hearing from you!

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