Subject: How this changed Anthony Hopkins' life...

Dear Friend,

Sir Anthony Hopkins is no doubt one of the
greatest actors to ever grace the silver screen.

But did you know that the universe may have had a
hand in his wildly successful career?

It's something called "vibrational guidance"...

Which not a lot of people are even aware of.

Learn more about vibrational guidance in this free

Back in 1974, Hopkins was set to star in a film
called "The Girl from Petrovka," based on a book
by author George Feifer.

Not long after he'd signed on, Hopkins went to
London in search of a copy of the book.

Yet after going through several bookshops, he
couldn't find a single copy.

Frustrated, the actor entered Leicester Square to
board a train home.

That was when he spotted an open package on a
nearby bench.

Though he was wary of it, something spurred him
to look inside.

Some call it intuition.

But it's really a fundamental science...

Specifically, the science of vibration.

Learn more about this new science and why it matters to you

Now here's what makes this story incredible...

Inside the package, Hopkins discovered the very
book he had been looking for all this time!

Not only that, but it was the original manuscript
the author had written, with many important notes
in the margin...

Notes that helped Hopkins immensely as he
prepared for his role in the film.

However, that wasn't the only "miracle" resulting
from the universe's guiding hand...

Two years later while filming in Vienna, Feifer (the
author of the book) visited the set.

During a conversation with Hopkins, Feifer
mentioned he didn't even have a copy of his own

Puzzled, Hopkins showed the book he'd found, and
Feifer confirmed that it was indeed his original

Most people would dismiss this story as mere

Yet, once you watch this free presentation, you'll
realize that there's no such thing as coincidence...

Yours Truly,
Thomas Di Leva


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