Subject: Your September Visitor Stats are available

Hi Friend

Please log in to the Members Area on DOTPhysicalDOCTORS to see your September visitor stats.

Login URL:

This is the original password set up for you. It will be different if you changed it.
If you do not remember your password you may use the "Lost your
Password?" link on the Login page, to change your password.
The email address to use for your login information is .

If you are not able to log in, please email us, and we'll reset your password for you.

Welcome to the new doctors who joined us during September!

When you view the month's visitor stats you'll notice a wide range in the numbers amongst Doctors’ Offices. 
What makes the difference? 
Please visit the Monthly Visitor Stats page in the Members Area to understand how you can improve your numbers: Increase the number of visitors to your webpage; increase the number of calls you get from web visitors; and increase the number of appointments you make.

If you have questions about how your office can improve ways to get more calls and make more appointments, or if you have changes or additions to your Office webpage, please contact us via our support form in the Members Area.

Best regards,
Susan Seals
DOTPhysicalDOCTORS, P.O. Box 271113, Salt Lake City, Utah 84127, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.