Subject: DOT Medical Examiners in

The doctors in our Premier Network are known for providing exceptional service to commercial drivers and they’re growing their practices by leaps and bounds.
If you're a doctor in private practice, or in a small physician network...
We're accepting a limited number of new members in .

You're about to learn what most doctors will never realize about getting their advertising dollars to work for them.

200-300 DOT Physical Exams A Month
We see around 300 DOT physical patients in our Salt Lake City office every month. We share 10+ years experience building a DOT physical exam practice.
Click here to find out… just how we do that, and how other doctors in our exclusive marketing network do the same.
What Truckers Have To Say
"I had an appointment elsewhere, but after reading reviews from other drivers on this website, I decided to come here, instead of going someplace that doesn't understand drivers at all. I had a great experience and I'll tell others about it too."
~ Commercial driver, Chris C.

What Doctors Have To Say
"Hi Susan. As always, you folks do a great job. Most of my bookings come from DOT Physical Doctors. You are always improving. Thank You! Other services I have tried do not hold a candle to you.
~ Dr. Don P.

I’m a new member. My office went live on the internet only last night. I already got my first driver from the website this morning. I’ve just finished doing the physical and it’s not even lunchtime yet. WOW!
~ Dr. Gene O.

Click to find out… how these doctors stand out from the crowd.

You'll Know It's Working
Do your advertisers tell you how well, or not, your advertising dollars are working for you?
Most likely they don’t know and they wouldn’t want you to know.

We tell you every month... learn more
You'll know exactly how well your marketing dollars with DOTPhysicalDOCTORS are working for you.

Would you like to be associated with these doctors?
Would you like to stand out as a DOT doctor that commercial drivers can connect with and trust?

Membership is exclusive and by invitation only.
Right now we're accepting a limited number of new doctors in . 
Learn more...

If... you're in a position to accept a lot of new patients, and you're serious about creating sustainable growth in your practice;
If... you're committed to marketing your unique brand of service rather than just throwing money at advertising and hoping something will work;
Then... we invite you to join our network of DOTPhysicalDOCTORS.

The doctors in our Premier Network are making a positive difference in the lives of commercial drivers whose health and livelihoods are at stake.
We’re happy to be able to support these doctors with our knowledge and hands-on experience. We help them market their professional distinctions, and we help them build their practices.

Our success is a service to others.

Dr. Kenn and Susan Seals

We'd be happy to help you too, as soon as you join us.
DOTPhysicalDOCTORS, P.O. Box 271113, Salt Lake City, Utah 84127, United States
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