Subject: CME Lie: Where Are All The New Patients? [Question Answered]

The broken promise of becoming a CME.
We answer...
Why too few drivers walk through your door.

Something every private practice physician wants.
That was the promise of investing in CME Certification.

But you struggle to get noticed.
Most small businesses get drowned out by the ‘big’ boys and lost in the crowd.
Very few stand out.

Many will invest more time and more money, trying to drum up more new patients, but few will succeed.

How will you distinguish yourself, and be one of the successful ones? 

(This email is quite long. But in hindsight it may be one of the most valuable you'll ever read.)

  • Just because you’re a doctor, new patients don’t just walk through your door.
  • Just because you became a CME, drivers don't just walk through your door.
  • Trying to compete with the big boys doesn't work.
  • Trying to have the lowest price doesn't work.
  • Throwing money at advertising doesn't work.

Hello Dr.

Dr Kenn and Susan Seals here.

We’ve been there, done that.
It's frustrating. It's humiliating. It's overwhelming.

And sometimes it feels like no matter how much time or money you invest in the effort, the results just don't pan out.

That’s what’s happening to many doctors who invested in becoming CMEs.

And it's maddening –
Especially since you know how much value you offer to drivers and patients.
If only you could reach them. If only they could get to know you.

So… What About The Successful Doctors? 
What Makes Them Different?

How do they keep a constant, reliable and predictable flow of patients into their office?

How do they manage to take even more of their share of the pie from the ‘big’ boys?

Imagine A Life That’s Genuinely Better For… Everyone!

(Therein lies the secret sauce. This is what happened for us.)
  • Imagine your business growing… without having to "sell" anything.
  • Imagine reaching more and more people… without wasting money on advertising.
  • Imagine patients happy to pay for the value of your service... rather than you struggling with rock bottom prices because that's what others are charging.
  • Imagine not having to worry about your business… and being surrounded by cheerful, happy staff, every day.
  • Imagine fewer problems and better solutions... because your staff feels a part of something bigger than just a job.
  • Imagine new people calling for appointments... because satisfied patients recommended you.
  • Imagine a solid stream of happy patients, returning and referring… because good news travels too.
  • Imagine so many opportunities for patients to come back to you… because you're making a difference in their lives.
  • Imagine making more money… without putting in more hours.
  • Imagine changing your business for the best… because you’ve changed how you go about it.
  • Imagine a life that gets better and better… because it's genuinely better for everyone.

You Were Sold A Lie…

That if you invested the time, money and effort in becoming a Certified Medical Examiner, you’d have thousands of commercial drivers banging down your door.

When That Didn’t Pan Out, You Were Sold Another Lie…

That if you just listed your office on (the many) CME listing services, you’d have hundreds of commercial drivers banging down your door.

How’s That Working For You?

It’s downright depressing, isn’t it?

IT doesn't work! ”

Nope, IT sure doesn't!

Within the problem, lies the answer to the question most private practice CMEs are asking…

“IT’s not working! -- I’m seeing too few drivers. How can I get noticed? How can I reach them?”

That's where we found our SECRET SAUCE…

The solution is actually hidden in the problem. (Hint: the problem is “IT”)

In business today, patient flow is key to the success of your business.

But… IT isn’t the answer to guarantee a constant flow of patients into your office.

YOU are the Answer - You are the SECRET SAUCE!

YOU are the secret sauce… that can guarantee a reliable and predictable flow of patients into your office.

And, if you’ve been hoping that something, or someone, outside of yourself - "IT" - will build your business, then You are part of the problem.
Allen & Rita, OTR drivers from Washington say: 
"We will travel 900 miles just to get an adjustment, or DOT physical, from Dr. Seals. This doctor knows his profession and has helped us feel better over the past 8 years. He truly is a credit to his profession!
Patients are the stuff of the dream that sparked your career as a doctor.

If, in the frustration, and overwhelm, and humiliation, you’ve lost the spark of that dream, your business is headed for serious mediocrity.

So in a world full of lies and broken promises, who can you rely on to attract patients?

You - and your original spark - are the secret sauce.
(NOT - advertising, credentials, your staff, or any other "IT"!)

YOU need to market your own special brand of secret sauce, in order to have a constant, reliable and predictable flow of patients into your office.

But It’s Really Hard To Do It Alone

How do you compete with the big boys…
The corporations who have more money than you, to throw at advertising?

  • Don’t compete!
  • Don’t throw money at advertising!
  • Don’t cut your prices because that’s what the ‘little’ guys are doing to survive!
  • And you don’t have to do it alone.

YOU … and OTHER DOCTORS like you, are a special brand.

Doctors who distinguish themselves and stand out from the crowd.

Doctors who know how to market themselves and the values they stand for.

Doctors who understand that the secret sauce is in everything you do.

Doctors who stand for something much “bigger”... Much more meaningful than the ‘big’ boys who stand for little else than the commodity services they charge for.

That’s How… You Can Have Your Cake and Eat It Too!
  • You can take more than your share of the pie from the ‘big’ boys.
  • You can charge more than your me-too competitors, and have patients happy to pay.
  • You can grow your business, without having to “sell” anything.
  • You can double or even triple your income, without increasing your hours.
  • You can make a positive difference in the lives of everyone your business touches.
We’re happy to be associated with a group of such doctors.
They’re making a positive difference in the lives of commercial drivers whose health and livelihoods are at stake.

We’re happy to be able to support these doctors with our knowledge and hands-on experience.
And market their secret sauce; and help them build their practices.

We’d be happy to help you too, in the very near future.

  • We’ve been doing DOT physicals in our office for more than 10 years now.
  • We’ve learned the many distinctions that give us the edge.
  • We don’t need to compete because we’re not the same.
  • We don’t sell ourselves to trucking companies. They come to us.
  • Our secret sauce drives our marketing and referrals.
  • and... most days we're so darn busy we don't even get to eat lunch!

In this email we’ve touched on Distinguishing Yourself From The ‘Big’ Boys.

To learn more about what we've discussed here ~ How To Distinguish Yourself So You Don’t Have To Compete ~ go to this link to read the article.

(We’re not selling anything. The article has 23 tips on distinctions you can use right away.)

The article is confidential and password protected.
Please do not share this link with anyone.
Your password to access this article is: MorePie (case sensitive)

In the next email we’ll share with you:
How You Can Charge More Than Your Me-too Competitors, And Have Patients Happy To Pay.
And we’ll give you a list of ideas you can implement right away.

In the meantime, think about how you can distinguish yourself so you don’t have to compete.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. We trust it was helpful.
Our success is a service to others.
Dr. Kenn & Susan Seals
Driver Friendly™ DOT Physical Locations

P.S. January is the biggest month of the year for DOT physicals. Are you ready?

P.P.S. Only a very select list of private practice physicians are receiving this letter.
We trust that you distinguish yourself in this group, and we welcome you to join us. If you no longer wish to receive email information, you can unsubscribe here.

P.P.P.S. Membership in our Premier Network of DOTPhysicalDOCTORS is by invitation only. Consider this email your invitation.

Because we offer a personalized “marketing-with-you” service, 
we are able to offer only a limited number of new memberships. 

Our next enrollment period will open on Monday, November 24th.
Enrollment will close on Monday, December 22nd. 
(Or before - When we reach our limit of 50 new members.)

DOTPhysicalDOCTORS, P.O. Box 271113, Salt Lake City, Utah 84127, United States
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