Subject: Want a better way to create reports?


Hi Friend,

Creating reports is tedious and time-consuming but necessary for any business. For those managing the reports they just get a hang of regularly updating the data and referring to multiple files and dashboards. With Microsoft Power BI, employees can be more efficient when preparing reports and management can get better insights.

Learn about keeping reports updated as new data come in. Read about

PowerQuery Parameters and Custom Functions: A Review.  


Visualize your data 

Have the flexibility when formatting your reports based on various KPIs and objectives. You can easily model and visualize your data and quickly get AI-powered answers to your business questions.  


Manage and share large data 

Connect all your data sources. No matter the size of data, you can analyze and share insights across the organization. What’s more, you can ensure the data accuracy, consistency, and security. 


Make data-driven decisions and strategies 

Using the same data, you can collaborate on reports and share insights through the Microsoft Office applications. Therefore, allowing your team to make data-driven actions.  


Train your in-house team in using Power BI for your business.  

Schedule a free consultation or book a training session with us.