Subject: Hi Friend, 5 days to go...


Still haven’t decided whether you will join the Next Level Power BI training on October 20-22, 2020?


Here are 4 reasons why you should:

  1. Shift to the better way of reporting. Cut the time spent on doing reports manually so you can focus on other important tasks.

  2. Get deeper insights to improve your products & services. Customers expect better service and experience when you gather their data. 

  3. Your competitors are learning Power BI and so should you. The new normal is now our normal, and it includes the use of technology, data-driven insights, and requires fast adaptability.

  4. Grab the 51% discount and your free Power BI report templates from ClinkIT Solutions.


What's Included in the training package


Looking for other training courses for your in-house tech team?

Schedule a free consultation or book a training session with us.  

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