Subject: WELCOME to Defaulting to Happy!

Hello Amazing Being!

It's so cool to have you as part of my first-ever online class!

I'll be using this email list to keep you and all of your classmates up to date with announcements specifically related to the class you signed up for.

As you know, the Defaulting to Happy class is a life-long experience. Any time I release any new MP3 or class material, I'll send you an update using this list, so I'd advise you to never unsubscribe from it. I wouldn't want you to miss out! (This list won't be used for any other promotional announcements. That comes from a separate list -- that you are probably already a part of!)

This is a reminder to listen to the RAISE YOUR VIBRATION MP3 at least 3 times a week while you are in the class! We want your vibration to be as high as possible at all times. :)

Feel free to skip ahead to the start of the meditation -- you don't need to listen to my preamble every time! 

Let me know if you had any trouble downloading the file and I'll be happy to lend you a hand.

Thanks so much for reading and becoming a part of DEFAULTING TO HAPPY! I can't wait to get started!

Xane Daniel, 514 Native Americas Way #14642, Box Elder, SD 57719, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.