Subject: Invitation to Class #2

Bring three Crystals!

I'm so excited for the next class! Here's a reminder to bring three crystals with you. (If you have them. If not, you can always re-watch the video at another time and activate them later.)

In this session, we'll be imbuing one with the ability to keep your vibration raised, another to keep your daily energy levels high, and with the last one, we'll be imbuing it with the ability to keep the Chakras above the crown energized and powerful.

Xane Daniel is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Defaulting to Happy - Class #2
Time: Mar 18, 2020 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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See you soon!

With Unconditional Love,
Xane Daniel, 514 Native Americas Way #14642, Box Elder, SD 57719, United States
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