Subject: [Christian Concepts] The Elect Are Secure🦋

How are you doing, Friend?

Security can be elusive as no one is without doubts. However, God’s elect possess God’s security. Under what circumstances do you feel most secure? We can consider being secure from different perspectives:
  • Building a foundation on the Rock (Jesus)
  • Unwavering mental fortitude
  • Unable to be deceived or led astray
  • Holding firm against an attack
  • God grasping us even if we let go
For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform signs and wonders, to lead astray, if possible, the elect.
Mark 13:22 ESV

God’s word is a stubborn truth that cannot be denied. Doubtless, all believers are the elect. And this text affirms it to be impossible to deceive the elect. God’s elect can discern the difference between the real Christ and imposters.

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