Subject: [Christian Concepts] Reach Your Potential By Playing The Long Game 🦋

How are you doing, Friend?

In chess, the pawn is the weakest piece. However, if you stop your understanding of the pawn there, you’ll miss that the pawn also has the most potential of all the pieces. If it reaches the other side of the board, it becomes more powerful because you can upgrade it to any piece you want.

You might think you’re only a pawn, but God sees your full potential. When you are born again, you are upgraded to a new creation that permanently holds God’s Holy Spirit.


My next book, Journal Your Way To Love, will be ready for test readers soon. Let me know if you would like to give your feedback before I finalize it for publication.


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Become more hopeful and realize your significance by working through 30 truths on each subject. My latest book, Journal Your Way To Significance, is available on Amazon and other stores.
New Reflections Counseling, Inc., 267 Regency Ridge Dr., Dayton, Ohio 45459, United States
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