Subject: [Christian Concepts] How Two Identities Resolve Conflict 🦋

How are you doing, Friend?

People can approach conflict in only two ways. Some people prefer to avoid conflict and others pursue it. Often, it seems, that these two kinds of people end up marrying each other. But that's more of an illusion than reality because approaches to conflict can be quite fluid depending upon what you value most.

For a couple to resolve conflict and become one in a healthy way, they first must know and understand their own values and priorities. You can identify your priorities using this simple exercise. Then you'll have a foundation for deciding whether you can give in, compromise, or hold your ground.


Emotional Healing is the subject of an experiential course I’ve developed. Emotional Healing will help you understand how to find optimal living. The first lesson is available to preview without any obligation.
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New Reflections Counseling, Inc., 267 Regency Ridge Dr., Dayton, Ohio 45459, United States
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