Subject: Free resources for October's character focus

This month's character focus is Obedience: "Eagerly yielding to God’s Word rather than following my own will"

This month, our character focus is Obedience. The operational definition of obedience is “eagerly yielding to God’s Word rather than following my own will.”

We naturally think that our way is best, but our hearts can lead us astray. Jeremiah 17:9 tells us, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” When we find that God’s Word differs from what we want, we demonstrate faith by choosing God’s way, not ours. What God leads us to do is greater than anything we would naturally choose! “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:5–6).

The opposite of obedience is willfulness. A willful person stubbornly insists on having his way. He may pout, delay, or do a job half-heartedly. He may offer excuses or “better” suggestions rather than simply obeying. The Bible says that rejecting God’s Word is foolish and continuing to resist leads to a disastrous end. (See Matthew 7:26–27; Romans 13:1–2.)

One of the clear instructions in God’s Word is that children are to honor and obey their parents. (See Ephesians 6:1–3.) God specifically chose parents to be the ones to protect, direct, correct, and care for their children. When you trust that God knows best, you will be able to eagerly obey the instructions of those who are responsible for you.

Here are some free resources to help your family study obedience this month.

Interested in going deeper with Obedience?

This is just one lesson from a more comprehensive children’s curriculum! Check out the Obedience booklet containing additional lessons with more coloring pages, activities, memory verses, and Bible stories, along with helpful resources for parents and teachers. This study will help children realize that they are protected, cared for, and directed toward God’s best as they yield their own wills and choose to live under the authority of God’s Word.

If you have questions or would like more information about the Character Calendar or children's curriculum, please email us at

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