Subject: Save The Date: July 12th, 2021 - The Joint Nakba Remembrance Ceremony

We will hold the Joint Nakba Remembrance Ceremony on July 12th

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Dear Friends,

Since you last heard about us, the rockets and bombs stopped falling, there is once again a ceasefire. But the fire is still burning. It burns in Gaza, in Ramallah, in Yaffa, in Sheikh Jarrah, in Lod, in Ramle, and in smaller places the news don’t report about. The arms are resting, but the occupation continues. The state of Israel continues to stamp 7 million Palestinians living between the Jordan and the sea as “2nd grade citizens”.

The fire is burning and it will continue to do so until we end the occupation.

These are intense times, with a lot to do. In this newsletter, you can find the highlights of the last month.

In Peace & Solidarity from Israel/Palestine

Rana Salman

Palestinian Co-Director

Yonatan Gher

Israeli Co-Director

The Joint Nakba Remembrance Ceremony - July 12th, 2021

Save The Date!

The Freedom March

We demonstrate in Sheikh Jarrah, in Tel Aviv, on bridges across the country.

We are especially proud of the renewed Freedom March. As we did in the past, we met in Area C, near Beit Jala, where Palestinians and Israelis are allowed alike. Hundreds of protesters joined the peaceful march, calling for freedom for all. Unfortunately, 8 of our brave activists were wrongfully detained by the police who claimed the peaceful demonstration was disturbing the traffic, before releasing all 8 arrestees the same day. Even Jerusalem Post covered us! We are proud to have partnered with Standing Together and Breaking the Silence for this demonstration, and we had many other partners in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Members of Knesset, Ofer Kseif and Musi Raz joined us at Freedom March, too.

Take Action!

Send a letter to your politicians to demand to save Seikh Jarrah! American Friends of CFP wrote a letter that can be sent to US Congress representatives in an automated way. If you don’t live in the US, you can use the letter as a draft and send it to your regional MP, to the representative of your country to Israel, and also to the EU delegation to Israel:

Our Letter to President Biden

We sent an official letter to President Joe Biden, to help us prevent the next war.

According to the current agreement between the two countries, the US has pledged to provide $38 billion in aid funds to Israel between 2019 and 2028. The aid is provided to support Israel's security as the two countries share strategic goals in the Middle East and a commitment to democratic values.

In reality, sadly, some of this aid has been used for the purposes of Israel's domination over, and oppression of, the Palestinian people in the occupied territories and within Israel's borders. In context of the recent war on Gaza, it can be assumed that the US aid has contributed to Israel committing war crimes, allegedly.

We ask President Biden to condition the US financial aid to Israel on it fulfilling its commitments to the international law and to avoid gross violation of human rights. Sounds like a reasonable request, is it not?

Read The Full Letter

In This Place Together

Our co-founder, Sulaiman Khatib and Penina Elberg-Schwartz published the book: In This Place Together: A Palestinian's Journey to Collective Liberation.

Activists Talk

Our activists have been interviewing and holding meetings to talk about Gaza, about Seikh Jarrah, and about a better future for all.

In case you missed it live, here are the highlights:

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