Subject: Joint Israeli-Palestinian Memorial - Speakers Announced

The Speakers at The Joint Memorial Ceremony Have Been Announced

Dear Friends,

The Joint Israeli-Palestinian Memorial is only a few weeks away. For those who are familiar with the event, you will know the strength and courage it takes for bereaved mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, and other family members to stand on a stage and tell their story. For people new to the ceremony, you will hear testimonies about loss and grief, but also about hope and determination. But who are the people standing up, and sharing their pain, so that others may be spared? Meet the speakers at this year’s event;

Layla Alshekh

Layla lives in Bethlehem, and is married with five children.

Layla lost her young son, Qusay, when soldiers detained her and prevented her from taking him to the hospital for treatment, as he was suffering from breathing difficulties after inhaling tear gas thrown by soldiers near her home.

About 16 years after the loss of her son, Layla was introduced to the Israeli-Palestinian Bereaved Families Forum. Today, she volunteers as an activist for both the Forum and the Combatants for Peace movement, and holds dialogue sessions around the world, where she tells her story and talks about the conflict and the need for peace and reconciliation.

Tamar Pikes

Tamar lives in Jerusalem where she is a plastics artist and therapy student. She is married and has two daughters.

Tamar lost her father Michael in the Six Day War before she was born, as well as her older brother, Yonatan, in the Yom Kippur War. Her other brother, Daniel, was killed in a mountaineering accident while on a trip following his military service.

In 2007 and 2011 Tamar directed two documentaries that told the story of family bereavement which aired on Israeli television ("Cardboard Squares" and "Headstand") and in 2019 she published a book documenting the passing of her mother titled "Practicing Farewell".

Gili Meisler

Gili was born in 1961 in Jerusalem.

Gili lost his only brother Giora in the Yom Kippur War. After being MIA for almost two years, Giora became known as the ‘missing soldier’ of the Yom Kippur War.

Gili has a bachelor's degree in film and television as well as a bachelors and masters in Hebrew literature. In 2009, Gili completed his film "Fireflies", in which he tells the story of Giora's disappearance and what happened to him years later in the Far East. The film was broadcast many times on various Israeli television channels and was screened in various cinemas throughout Israel. In 2016, Gili's second film, "Fractures", was released.

Six years ago, Gili joined the Bereaved Families Forum and serves as the Director of New Media and Communications. He also conducts dialogue meetings in which he seeks to harness his personal story to promote dialogue and reconciliation. Additionally, in recent years Gili has been the Forum’s representative in the production of the joint Memorial Day ceremony.

Muna Abu Sara

Muna was born in Shuafat refugee camp, and now lives in Sheikh Jarrah in Jerusalem, where she is married with three children.

In 2000, Muna lost her son Khaled, when a settler ran him down with his car on purpose, while the whole family was watching.

Muna joined the Bereaved Family Forum a few years ago. She believes in peace between the two peoples, freedom to all, and ending the occupation.

Layla, Tamar, Gilli and Muna have been working for years so that tragedies like the ones that befell their families will not happen to others. 

Their collective message is clear;

“We are not looking for revenge, but rather an end to this conflict, and we know it is possible”.

Donate to us so that we can raise their voice at the joint Memorial Day ceremony - because together we will overcome fear.

Donate to the Memorial Ceremony

     In Peace & Solidarity from Israel/Palestine,

Sulaiman Khatib

Palestinian Co-Director

Yonatan Gher

Israeli Co-Director

Upcoming Online Events

Making Peace Among Those in Conflict

A teaching by the spiritual leader Jack Kornfield followed by an open talk with activists who walked this path

The online event in English, will take place on Tuesday March 30th 8pm Israel/Palestine time 

(6pm GMT, 2pm ET)

To register for this event, and receive joining instructions, please click here

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