Subject: Help Us Achieve Access To Water For All

Join Our Efforts To Change The Water Supply Policy In Area C

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Dear Friends,

We want to tell you a little about the reality behind the photo that we shared with you in our last letter. The man under the knee is named Tuly. He is an Israeli, a father, a leader within Combatants for Peace, and a former combatant.

Tuly is no stranger to army fatigues, moving through the ranks of the Israeli army, and even serving as a regiment commander in reserve duty.

Today, things are radically different. Tuly was in the village of a-Tawani in the South Hebron Hills delivering water to a Palestinian community denied access to running water when this photo was taken.

This action is part of our wider campaign to end Palestinian water poverty and provide access to water for all - more details are below.

Tuly was one of our many members injured that morning, including Adam who sustained a serious burn from a grenade, Eli who was pushed down the side of a hill by a soldier and hospitalized, and several others who were left gasping for air from the effects of tear gas. This aggression in response to a non-violent action is symptomatic of an occupation force, denying rights of all those living under siege, as well as all those who oppose it.

“We tried to bring fresh water to a deprived family living in Area C, an area under the mandate of the State of Israel. We were brutally attacked by the army that I served in, and where my family members serve now. The same army that I am supposed to rely on for defence” Tuly Flint

We will continue to demand that Palestinian communities are not left to dry out, even if that means getting in the way of the Israeli army, or the settlers they guard. To do this, we must protect our activists' security and liberty, and we need your help. We need to urgently raise 5,000 euros to fund;

  • Water tanks which can sustain a family’s needs for 1 month

  • 10 anti-tear gas masks to protect our activists 

  • 6 bodycams to capture footage and provide true testimonies 

Our message is being heard. From the UN to the EU to our partners here on the ground - we are rallying. But we need your help and support too.

Please consider donating to us today, and sharing our message across social media platforms so we can all come together and stop the denial of water rights for Palestinian communities. Let’s do it together.

In Peace & Solidarity from Israel/Palestine

Rana Salman

Palestinian Co-Director

Yonatan Gher

Israeli Co-Director

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The Access to Water Campaign In Brief

Combatants for Peace together with a global coalition of peace and human rights organizations are demanding that Israel allow access to water to all Palestinians living in Area C.

Our appeal puts a spotlight on the racist and life threatening Israeli policy to deny Palestinian communities access to clean running water.

We are calling on the United Nations, the European Union and the Quartet, to apply pressure on the Israeli government to stop denying the basic right of access to water for Palestinians in the west bank.

Statement by Combatant for Peace

"The water problem exemplifies the State of Israel's apartheid policy in the West Bank. The Military Commander of the West Bank justifies these practices by saying that the Palestinian communities in Area C did not receive building permits; however, the Israeli government’s own policy does not allow Palestinians to obtain building permits in this area. At the same time, all the Israeli outposts and the settlers who live in buildings without legal permits are allowed to connect to the water grid.

This state of affairs is emblematic of Israel’s approach to West Bank natural resources generally, as its exclusive property and as a tool to advance the ethnic cleansing of the local Palestinian population in Area C. A constant shortage of water together with the daily violence by the army and the settlers, as well as the settlers' takeover of the grazing and agricultural areas, prevents many communities, especially in the southern Hebron Hills and the Jordan Valley, from developing economic resilience, thus intensifying poverty and despair.

This racist, illegal and immoral policy must be stopped. The State of Israel should not be allowed to advance its colonialist agenda at the expense of the minimal human existence of the residents of the Palestinian communities in Area C. Access to water is a basic human right, even when the human in question is Palestinian".

Our ongoing work depends on people like you, who share our vision of peace, reconciliation and coexistence.

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