Subject: Extraordinary Activism in Extra Ordinary Times

Dear Friends

We hope you are well.

As the Corona-lockdown goes on for everyone worldwide, so too does the violence committed by settlers and the Israeli army in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem). This has prompted our Israeli Field Coordinator, Tuly Flint, to write his tormented thoughts (see below).

We as CfP will not refrain from our continued struggle against the occupation. And we believe that this campaigning is even more powerful when we can demonstrate to Israelis and Palestinians through our joint non-violent action that we are all sisters and brothers. Moreover, despite the circumstances, our activism has not ceased, even if it limited to virtual space. Our Educational Coordinators have managed to address youth groups in Israel via ZOOM, our activists have reached out and spoken to communities far and wide around the world, and prior to our annual Memorial Ceremony of April 27, we would like to invite you to a series of exciting online events. Some were recently added to our list, don't miss them.

We wish you a blessed, happy and safe Passover, Easter, and Ramadan !

your Combatants for Peace

Upcoming events

(scroll to the bottom for more events)

Saturday, April 11th, 5pm UTC

Screening of the documentary "Disturbing the Peace" (2016)

followed by a talk with Special Guests, film makers Steve Apkon and Marcina Hale, alongside the CfP activists who star in film

Register for the screening here

The live discussion will follow here:

Monday, April 13th, 6pm UTC
"Personal Storytelling, a Tool of Transformation" 

with CfP activists Ahmed Helou and Tuly Flint

and Special Guest Speaker, Author Scott Bergstrom
RSVP to this email to register

Wednesday, April 15th, 6pm UTC

"The Memorial Will Go On: a behind the scenes look at building the Ceremony"

with Memorial Ceremony organizers, Nathan Landau and Adam Rabee

RSVP to this email to register

#occupationundercorona As Palestinians of the West Bank face a "worrying rise in violence", as an Haaretz article recently observed, here is a special message from CfP leader, Tuly Flint regarding the current situation in Israel and Palestine. Tuly is a lieutenant colonel in the Israeli Reserve army and a former Battalion commander.

The thought does not leave me...

I served in this army! While the whole world is busy fighting the Coronavirus, the Israeli army - the army that I was once so proud of, the army that I was sure would always do only the "right and just" things - is also busy.  It is demolishing houses, making arrests in Palestinian cities already suffering pain and Corona, and busy continuing to support the illegal and immoral Occupation system.

Outside my home, the streets are empty - empty because of Corona. My family and I do not leave. A curfew. Yes, I remember the days when I was the one who made the roads empty. No, not these streets, the streets of Palestinian cities.

 I remember the days when I thought the enemy was the other, the enemy was the Arab, the Palestinian. That was before I learned to know, respect and love friends from the same people who had been my enemy. New friends who are also now shut in homes because of the virus, but they now experience double fear. Like all of us, they are afraid of the virus;  unlike us, they are also afraid of losing their homes. They are afraid of my country's army, the army that I thought was protecting Israel. The Israeli army in the territories of Palestine is busy preserving the Occupation. 

You may not believe it, but it is true. Even now, soldiers invade Palestinian cities every night and continue the same illegal operations they carried out before the arrival of Corona. The settlers, who live in the same area, illegally, can come to Israel to receive first-rate medical treatment available to all Israeli citizens. Palestinians cannot. Palestinians in Israel, even with a permit, who are suspected of being sick are taken in a vehicle and thrown behind an army checkpoint in the West Bank - without treatment.  Palestinian prisoners, some of them minors, remain in densely crowded Israeli prisons, in grave danger of the infection.  They do not have the option of maintaining their health even on ordinary days, and certainly not now in these days of Corona.

One thing is clear: the Coronavirus will come and go. But the Occupation is trying to stay. The Occupation is a dangerous and brutal epidemic. Corona does not discriminate, but the Occupation does, and it finds more and more ways to justify its criminal acts. Unlike the Coronavirus, the Occupation is wholly an act of man and is subject to our control.

A day will come when the threat of Corona has passed. And when we leave our homes again, we will find that the government has gained more power, a corrupting power, over the whole country.  Measures that used to be exerted only against perceived enemies and victims of Occupation have become ordinary governance for everyone. The day after the epidemic we will have to fight for freedom from the viruses of racism, militarism and fascism. We will have to fight for the rights of people to live freely. When this day comes, we will be there, and we will need you. We will stand together against racism and xenophobia.

To our friends all over the world, to anyone who still believes in the values of equality, human rights and freedom, we say: the Occupation continues under Corona! We must stop it!! I joined Combatants for Peace to correct the wrongdoings that my country had sent me to do. I choose cooperation and connection over the Occupation. I choose humanity.

I call on you to join us.
Follow our Facebook campaign, #OccupationUnderCorona
Together we can be the change.

Support next Memorial Ceremony
Support next Memorial Ceremony (US tax-deductible donations)

Webinars & Online Events

(RSVP to this email to register)

"How is the Corona Virus affecting life in Israel and Palestine?"
with CfP activists Galia Galili and Sulaiman Khatib
Watch the recording 

Saturday, April 11th, 5pm UTC

Screening of the documentary "Disturbing the Peace" (2016)

followed by a talk with Special Guests, film makers Steve Apkon and Marcina Hale, alongside the CfP activists who star in film

Register for the screening here

The live discussion will follow here:

Monday, April 13th, 6pm UTC

"Personal Storytelling, a Tool of Transformation" 

with CfP activists Ahmed Helou and Tuly Flint
and Special Guest Speaker, Author Scott Bergstrom

Wednesday, April 15th, 6pm UTC

"The Memorial Will Go On: a behind the scenes look at building the Ceremony"

with Memorial Ceremony organizers, Nathan Landau and Adam Rabee

Sunday, April 19th


"Art, Music and Theater as a form of Resistance"

Monday, April 27th, 5:30pm UTC

Joint Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Ceremony

The Ceremony will be broadcast worldwide.
Click here for the latest details

Saturday, May 9th, 4pm UTC

"Cultivating Young Leadership"
in collaboration with Creativity for Peace

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