Subject: CfP Newsletter July 2020 - A Reason to Rejoice

Dear Friends,

We hope that you and your families are all safe and healthy this summer. This is a difficult time for everyone with the COVID crisis; please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. 

We come to you with the latest news about our activities. Firstly, we would like to share a reason to rejoice: the large-scale local and international anti-annexation campaign has succeeded, for now. July 1st has come and gone, and the Israeli government has still not voiced any concrete plans to annex any more of the West Bank. There is no doubt that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will try again – and when he does, we will be there to stop him.


The battle is not over. The brutal occupation remains, and Combatants for Peace will continue in our non-violent struggle until all Palestinians and Israelis are free. Together, we can bring peace, freedom and equality. Thank you for your support, we could not do this work without you.

For now, don’t miss our second “Learning Peace” event, this coming Wednesday July 22nd. Details below.

Take care and stay safe.

In Peace & Solidarity from Israel/Palestine,


Your Combatants for Peace

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“Learning Peace”, an initiative by Combatants for Peace, invites you to a talk with human-rights activists: Omar Shakir, Israel and Palestine Director of Human Rights Watch; and Abir Joubran Dakwar, Unit Director of Human Rights in the Occupied Territories in The Associations of Civil Rights in Israel.

"Activism for Human Rights in Conflict Situations"

this Wednesday July 22nd at 1:30pm EDT, 5:30pm UTC, 8:30pm Israel/Palestine time

This is "Learning Peace's" second talk in our series of talks with inspiring activists from around the world.

Registration here

Preventing Annexation

Over the last month we stepped up our protests against the Annexation Plan. Most significantly, Combatants for Peace partnered with an alliance of Palestinian and Israeli organizations working against the occupation, and organized on June 27th a memorable demonstration south of Jericho with several hundred Palestinian and Israeli activists. Together we rallied in this symbolical area of the Jordan Valley, an area that almost certainly was on Netanyahu’s short-list of areas to annex. Our Palestinian coordinator, Jamil Qassas, addressed the people present with the following words: “During the first intifada we fought each other, as all of us – Palestinians and Israelis – saw the situation only from the point of view of our own side. Today we know that there is another way – a common battle against violence, occupation and annexation. (…) Instead of planning one-sided measures that lead to despair and violence, I suggest Israelis recognize my existence here with respect.” Read the full report.

In parallel moves, Combatants for Peace wrote to all members of the UN Security Council to request that, in the case of an implemented annexation plan, they exercise their powers under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, and impose sanctions on the State of Israel, as well as on the three top Israeli officials responsible for the illegal move: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defence Minister and Alternate Prime Minister Benjamin Gantz and Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi. The next day, the UN Security Council announced that very intention!

With our German Friends of Combatants for Peace we drafted and distributed widely in Germany a “Call for Action”, calling upon the German government to “take a leading role against annexation and to prevent any escalation of violence in the Near East".

Protecting Communities from Violence

Our solidarity visits to the village of Hares (in the northern West Bank) continued through June and July. The villagers are repeated victims of attacks by local settlers. In this moving video, you will see our activist Elie Avidor and his incredibly bravery in facing a wall of soldiers.

In the Jordan Valley, our activist coalition has been walking with communities around Jericho on a daily basis, protecting them from settler and military violence. In the north, the coalition has been blocked from walking with the shepherds, due to the shutdowns from the Coronavirus. Yet, the local communities are reporting that they have been experiencing fewer attacks from settlers during this time than they have for years, due to the shutdowns.

"Freedom School"

We had the great honour to welcome on July 7th the second cohort of Israeli young adults who have joined our “Freedom School” (Midreshet Dror). The trainees will go through an intensive 6-week-long study programme which intends to make them lead activists of tomorrow. Together we are working in partnership with Breaking the Silence and Achvat Amim to make this programme a success.

Online events

Throughout the month of June our American Friends of Combatants for Peace organized a total of six online talks dedicated to the threat of annexation of the Palestinian territories. You can watch those recordings on Combatants for Peace's Youtube channel or Facebook page, as well as on the American Friends of CfP's events page. We especially recommend the talk from June 23rd.

Several of our activists participated in additional events related to this topic or others.

Last July 15, the Northern group of our movement commemorated the expulsion and forced exile of the inhabitants of the village of Ma’alul, next to Nazareth in the North of Israel, in 1948, during a two-hour commemorating video. The ceremony was held in partnership with the Ma’alul Families Association and Standing Together.

Let us be strong together for the sake of peace in the region and in solidarity with all Palestinians fighting for their freedom!

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