Subject: Victory in Virginia! Help Us Defeat HB 91 in Maryland!

Voice of the Voiceless Urges Maryland Delegates to Follow Virginia's Lead and
Reject Politically Motivated HB 91

This week, Voice of the Voiceless applauded the Virginia General Assembly for rejecting HB 1135, which would take away the rights of parents and their minor children to seek out counseling from a licensed mental health provider to overcome unwanted same-sex attraction (SSA). The bill was rejected with a vote of 4-1 and failed to get out of committee.

“This is a huge victory for the children of Virginia, especially those who have been sexually abused and seek help from a licensed mental health practitioner to resolve unwanted same-sex attractions that may have resulted from molestation,” commented Christopher Doyle, licensed clinical professional counselor and President of Voice of the Voiceless. “We are urging delegates in the state of Maryland to follow Virginia’s lead and also reject House Bill 91, which would ban minors in the state of Maryland from seeing a licensed mental health practitioner to resolve trauma that results in unwanted SSA, even if that minor voluntarily sought out the counseling.”

House Bill 91 states that Maryland has a compelling interest in protecting the physical and psychological well being of minors and should protect them against exposure to serious harm caused by sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE), yet, there is not one single peer-reviewed scientific study that has researched the outcomes of minors that have undergone SOCE therapy.

Join the Maryland Families Against HB 91 Coalition and tell the Maryland House of Delegates to Vote "NO" for HB 91

1. Sign the Petition! Simply click on the following web-link or copy and paste it into your web browser:

2. Enter your name, mailing address, and e-mail address and your Delegate and State Senator will automatically be generated. The entire Health and Government Operations Committee will also be e-mailed every time one person sends an e-mail to their Delegate and State Senator, multiplying the amount of voices that will be heard! Make sure to click all three boxes.

3. Click "Send Message" at the bottom of the screen and the petition will be sent to your Delegate, State Senator, and the entire Health and Government Operations Committee. If you are not a resident of Maryland but would still like to send an e-mail of support, use your name, but plug in the address of the International Healing Foundation and a message will be sent on your behalf, supporting clients who are helped by the International Healing Foundation, P.O. Box 901, Bowie, MD
Taking The Liberal Shilling: How The UK Association of Christian Counsellors Abandoned Counselling’s Core Principle and Biblical Truth

At the start of this year the UK’s Association of Christian Counsellors (ACC) sent out a statement declaring that they do not support any form of therapy to help people overcome unwanted homosexual feelings, what they define as reparative or conversion therapies, and that no member of the ACC could offer them. This is a worrying change of position as, until the statement, the ACC was the only UK body that supported both the client’s right to choose such a therapy and the therapist’s right to offer this type of therapy. Already we have seen a therapist kicked out of the ACC due to their change of position.

Legislative Petition
Petition to Support the Human Right of Self-Determination for Individuals with Unwanted Same-Sex Attraction (SSA) to Receive Counseling and Psychological Treatment
Courage Petition
Tell Cardinal Spellman High School, Fr. Trevor Nicholls, and the Board of Trustees to stand strong against the bullying from these gay activists and that respected priests such Fr. Timone, not drag queens like Coco Peru, should be educating the parents of Catholic children on homosexuality.

Facebook Petition
Tell Facebook to STOP censoring Pro-Family and Conservative
Federal Equality Protection Petition
Demand Equal Protection Under the Law for Former Homosexuals
SPLC Petition
A Petition to Demand that the Southern Poverty Law Center and Sam Wolfe Publicly Apologize to the Ex-Gay and Faith-Based Community for their Hate, Victimization, Intolerance, and Discriminatory Conduct
Donnie McClurkin Petition
Demand that Mayor Vincent Gray and the Washington, D.C. Commission on Arts and Humanities Apologize For Discriminating Against Grammy-Award Winning Gospel Singer and Ex-Gay Donnie McClurkin

10620 Crestwood Drive, Suite C, Manassas, VA 20109, United States
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