Subject: NEW Catholic Candles Scents!

Bring in fall with new cozy, Catholic candles

6 NEW scents of our Catholic Candles

Fall weather is arriving and you know what that means: it's time to light some cozy scented candles. Created by a local Steubenville family, this line has been one of our favorite products to unpack.

With a personalized Catholic line sold exclusively at Catholic to the Max, these candles are made of 100% soy wax and come in a 10oz size. Each features a unique and pleasant aroma centered around great saints or angels. Our new scents feature Mother Teresa, St. Faustina, the Blessed Virgin, and more! Now with 22 different candles to choose from, you may want to get some for your friends so you can try them all!

Meet the Makers

"We were inspired by memories. A country byway with rolling hills and wide-open fields. Cattle ranging and horses running. Neighbors waving and tractors rolling steadily onward. A little one-room schoolhouse nestled at the end of the road. To the modern mail carrier, it was 690th Avenue. To the folks who remember its history, it was Old Forestville Road. We weren’t there for the beginning, but the name stirred our emotions, and it became OUR beginning..."

In 2018 on that same country byway, Forestville Candle Company was born. It started with entrepreneurial spirits from two teenage daughters Abbey (left) and Anna (right) and a passion for making candles.

Now proudly owned and operated in Steubenville, OH. As a Catholic business, 10% of their profits go directly to support local charities!

Candle Tips!

• Create a burn memory

When lighting a soy candle for the first time, allow the wax to melt all the way to the sides of the container. This will give you maximum fragrance and an even burn. If you do not allow the wax to pool on the first burn you may get wax remaining along the sides of your candle container. This is called “Tunneling.”

• Trim the wick

Always trim your wick to about ¼” before you re-light your candle. This will ensure a long-lasting candle, minimize soot, and remove any mushrooming of the wick left from the previous burn.

Putting Out for a Catch with Peter

Marine, Water florals, Musk, & Cedarwood. Let down your nets for a catch - Amazement, astonishment - leave it all and follow Him. (See Luke 5)

A Light to Guide from Our Lady Star of the Sea

Fresh Rain. Salve Stella Maris! Hail most pure Star of the sea, Our hope in the waves of temptation, Our relief in spiritual drought. (See I Kings 18:44-45)

In the Library with Aquinas

Leather, Cedar, & Tobacco. The divine gifts of reason and revelation - explored, taught, written - "so much straw" to the ox, but gold to the Church

Seeking Christ in the Streets with Mother Teresa

Jasmine, Hyacinth, & Lily. "Go out into the world today and love the people you meet. Let your presence light new light in the hearts of people." - St. Teresa of Calcutta

Trusting in Divine Mercy with Faustina

Hyssop. "Within my heart is an Ocean of Mercy. A fount, open and pouring out on the world." "Jesus, I trust in you." - St. Faustina (See Psalm 51:7)

Receiving a Mother's Love from Our Lady of Guadalupe

Rose. Offering faith, hope, and consolation, the work of a Lady from Heaven. Converting an Aztec nation by her rose-filled appearance

See the whole collection!

We are proud to call ourselves American makers and are strongly committed to the quality craftsmanship and creative design behind each of our original products. A combination of conventional techniques and modern machinery allows us to build items to last for generations to come. It is our mission to make products that inspire goodness, truth, and beauty in everyday life.