Subject: Wild Bites

He’s the sexiest janitor who ever saved my life.
Everyone wants what he’s fixing to break.

But I don’t have time for that.

I’m overworked and underpaid with a sick roommate and a death wish, it seems.
Marc is as broke as me and clearly running from problems of his own. It’s not like he’s a prince who’s going to sweep me away from all my problems…

Or is he?
What would royalty be doing in El Cajon, California anyway? Even if what they say is true, Marc has no business with me.

What could I possibly offer to someone like him, someone who has everything?

Unless it’s my elusive bloodline he’s after…

Enjoy today's suggestion!
(Carnal Cravings Publishing)
Carnal Craving Publishing, 4976, 94016, San Francisco, United States
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