Subject: Toolkits, reports and resources released! 📜

Toolkits, reports and resources released ðŸ“œ

This month we have several great new resources emerging from different projects across the organisation. These toolkits, reports and resources showcase our continued work in many different areas, demonstrating the importance of on-the-ground grassroots work and engagement, directly tackling the fundamentals of domestic carbon emissions. This work continues to play a role in local, regional and national policy spaces, and we hope will lead to credible energy efficient measures being proposed.

Over the next few months we will be further developing our work in these areas and putting forward new ideas for the energy efficiency sector, so make sure to stay tuned for these important developments.

Community-led Energy Planning toolkit launched

How can local authorities build citizen energy transition capacity in all neighbourhoods?

Community-led Energy Planning (CLEP) is a place-based, community-centred approach to building knowledge, understanding and confidence in lower-income communities to enable them to shape and benefit from the energy transition.

We were delighted to launch our new toolkit to assist local authorities in local energy planning and community engagement.

The toolkit was developed in collaboration with CLES and URBED and you can read a blog on it here.

New Open Energy Efficiency Savings project

A huge thank you to everyone who attended our GMLEM jury findings feedback session on Monday, particularly the jury members who came along and spoke. At the event we heard jury members tell their personal stories, Jonathan and Sean Owen from the GMCA presented, and finally we held breakout rooms where we had some great ideas for taking the jury’s findings forward. Watch jury members tell their stories and experience of the jury above.

We’ve now formally presented the report to the GMLEM partnership which officially brings the project to a close. You can read the jury’s final report here. Thank you again to the Carly, Rachel, Claire, Brandon and Alex for their great work on this. Really excited to see what comes out of this!

Fundamentals for Construction Professionals courses

Registration is now open for People Powered Retrofit's Retrofit Fundamentals for Construction Professionals courses, taking place from September to November! There are four course dates to choose from, two in-person and two online: you can see them all and book now on the People Powered Retrofit Eventbrite page. Please do spread the word to anyone working in construction or associated professions who might want to attend.

Climate Conversation: Delivering a Net Zero, Climate Resilient UK

We are delighted to have contributed to this newly published report from Quantum Strategy & Technology for the Climate Change Committee collating learning from a series of visits the committee conducted to hear on-the-ground experiences from people around the UK. We thank the Climate Change Committee for taking the time to listen to on the ground perspectives, and we hope that the government listen to the committee's recommendations to implement credible energy efficiency policies as a matter of urgency.


What we are reading

Carbon Co-op response to OfGem call for input

Our response to OfGem's recent call for input on the future of local energy institutions and governance - basically how local energy markets will operate in the years to come.

Read the full response...

In the community

The Carbon Co-op Co-op Community is open to all Carbon Co-op members. Non-members can read the threads, but are not currently able to participate.

Home Assistant automation ideas

Members have shared their ideas for home automation using the Home Assistant platform, this will form the basis of the EcoHomeLab next week. Weigh in now!

Read the conversation...

Internal Garage Door Insulation

What are your recommendations for a better insulated internal garage door? This Carbon Co-op member is searching for a solution.

Read the conversation...

Upcoming events

14th July, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm


Multiple dates, September to November

(online & in person options available)

Copyright © 2022 Carbon Co-op, All rights reserved.

Registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1965, registration number 31342R.