Subject: Campus News Update

Wednesday, August 16, 2017
"O LORD, my Lord, the strength of my salvation, You have covered my head in the day of battle." Psalm 140:7
Current Events 
  • Thursday, August 17—Prayer and Fasting over noon (Faculty Dining)
  • Thursday, August 24—Staff Birthday Fellowship (Details to Come!) 
  • Saturday, August 26—Caleb Nelson Memorial Race
  • Saturday, August 26— LTC Class (Classroom Building/Pistol Range)
  • September 1–2, and 4—Staff Garage Sale (Convention Center) 
  • September 5–9—Green Lake, WI Family Conference 
  • Friday, September 8—Unit 58 R-Night
August Birthday Fellowship
Staff and Battalion Birthday Fellowship is scheduled for next Thursday, August 24 in the Dining Room at 5:30 pm. Board games and gym night to follow. Please bring a main and side dish to share. The Kitchen will provide dessert and drinks. If you have a birthday in August, feel free to send us your birthday fact! 
Caleb Nelson Memorial Race
The Caleb Nelson Memorial Race (CNMR) will be held next Saturday, August 26. If you're interested in participating or helping with logistics, please contact SMaj. Hawley. 
Texas License to Carry Class
We will be hosting a Texas License to Carry (TLC) Class on campus, Saturday, August 26. There will be 4-6 hours spent in the Classroom Building, and 1-3 hours of practicals on our pistol range. 

Participants must bring their Texas Drivers License or state ID, pen for note taking, safety glasses, hearing protection, and a minimum of 50 rounds of correct ammunition for your firearm above a 32 ACP. 

Cost will be $50/person (cash only). For further questions, or to sign up, please contact Chaplain Burch. A waiver letter will be signed by all participates before going to the range. This class is not intended to be advertised or open to the general public.
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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