Subject: Campus News 6-19-23

Monday, June 19, 2023
"Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like You, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?" Exodus 15:11
Upcoming Events      
  • Jun 16 The Gardens at Hawkins (Assisted Living, Pine Lodge) 
  • Jun 17–25 SWEPCO Lodging (Birch, Dogwood, Elm, Pine Lodge)
  • Jun 21 Kitchen reopens with Lunch
  • Jun 28 Birthday Lunch, 11:45 AM
  • Jul 3–9 Men's Journey to the Heart (Journey/Behr Houses)
  • Jul 10–Aug 4 Quest (BT Barracks, Corkwood) 
  • Jul 10–29 Sound Foundations, Level 2
  • Jul 15 Blood Drive (Teakwood, 7 AM–12 Noon) 
  • Jul 22–29 Ladies Journey to the Heart (Journey House)
  • Jul 23–27 Trail Life Campout (Campground) 
Kitchen Reopening
The Kitchen reopens with lunch on Wednesday, June 21. We won't be posting a specific menu this week as the Kitchen prepares for the new semester, but look for the regularly posted menu in next week's Campus News.
Thank You
Thank you to all the staff and volunteers who graciously jumped in this morning—with short notice—to help us prepare additional rooms for the linemen who are working to restore power to East Texas! Please be praying for these crews, the management, and the customers without power. Please pray that we are a faithful witness to these individuals as well.  
Scuba Day/Refresher
If you are a certified scuba diver and are interested in spending a day scuba diving, please text Matthew Moody (513-808-2758) ASAP with your interest. 

Details: Friday, June 16 and/or Wednesday, June 21, meet at the Classroom Building at 8 AM for gear prep and a quick refresher, and then head to the SCUBA ranch. If you have all your own dive equipment (regulator, BCD, and fins) cost is $50/day. If you need dive equipment, cost is $75/day. Price includes the park entrance fee and air. (Please give cash/check to Matthew Moody.) You will need to provide your own lunch and transportation, or carpool with others. Bring your open water certification and fill out this waiver.  
Dive Pressure Gauges 
The ALERT Dive department is selling a few old, but working submersible pressure gauges. Please contact Matthew Moody ( if you are interested. They are $50 each.
Welcome Baby Kaiden
Daniel and Kathryn welcomed Kaiden Jireh Staddon on Saturday, June 10. He weighs 9lb 10oz and measures 22 inches long. If you'd like to support the Staddon's with a meal during this time, you can do that here!
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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