Subject: Campus News 5-30-23

Tuesday, May 30, 2023
"Commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him, and He will do it." Psalm 37:5
Upcoming Events      
  • May 31 Awards and Promotions; Birthday Lunch 
  • May 31 Missions Sermons (Auditorium, 4 PM) 
  • Jun 1 Noon Praise Meeting (Formal Dining)
  • Jun 2 Unit 67 Graduation
  • Jun 3–20 Kitchen Closed
  • Jun 10 Switzer 50th Anniversary Party (Formal Dining, 2-5 PM) 
  • Jun 12–17 NW Conference
  • Jun 21 Kitchen Reopens
Awards & Promotions, Birthday Lunch
Staff lunch is this Wednesday, May 31 at 12 noon in the Dining Room. 
Missions Sermons
All are invited to support the Missions class as they practice delivering sermons on Wednesday, May 31, in the Auditorium from 4:005:30 PM. As a class, they will be covering the book of Philippians. Hope you can join us!
Noon Praise Meeting | Dr. Levendusky
Our noon prayer time on Thursday, June 1 will follow the pattern of what Jesus instructed us to do, to rejoice and be exceeding glad. We will sing songs of praise to the Lord and include some brief testimonies as well. The focus would be on praising God, rejoicing in Him, encouraging and edifying one another, just like the early church did in times of persecution.

"Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you." - Matthew 5:11-12

Mayflower Group
The Mayflower Group (MFG) has been here now for more than a month and they have received a great welcome from our staff and families, as well as friends from the Tyler area. Freedom Seekers International (FSI) is their sponsor here and they have helped them with dentist needs, gardening initiatives, and even setting up bank accounts. The 15 families are living in four hallways in the Chestnut Dormitory, and they take their lunch and dinner meals at the Chapel. The children are being home educated by their parents and are beginning to start with their English classes. They are grateful for the outpouring of love and support they have received from FSI, area families/churches, and our staff and families.
Dive Pressure Gauges 
The ALERT Dive department is selling a few old, but working submersible pressure gauges. Please contact Matthew Moody ( if you are interested. They are $50 each.
Patrick Meal Train
Cliff and Christen Patrick welcomed baby Caleb to their family this past Saturday! If you'd like to support them during this time by providing a meal, you can do that here!
Turnbull Meal Train
Liesy Turnbull is traveling to Germany to be with her mother as she continues her battle with cancer. If you're interested in helping support their family by providing a meal while Liesy is away, you can do that here.
Switzer Anniversary Celebration
Everyone is welcome to join us as we celebrate Capt. and Mrs. Switzer's 50th Wedding Anniversary Saturday, June 10, in the Formal Dining Room from 2 to 5 PM, come and go!
Battalion Update | Capt. Vanderford
Including some time off for Memorial Day yesterday, there is much to fit in this week as we prepare for graduation and have some fun together before the guys go home. As we look back over this quarter, I’d like to express my gratitude for the countless ways so many of you have supported the battalion. I know the reason many of you do the work you do is that you want to be a part of the mission of forging extraordinary men who influence their world for Christ, and we really appreciate your investment.

Please pray that as the men go home, they will intentionally pursue Christ and build relationships to help them in that endeavor. Please also pray for God to guide the men as many of them seek Him for their next steps.

Basic Training Update | Maj. Boulden
Unit 68 has been secured! Thank you to everyone who came out last Friday to support the Unit in their accomplishment of finishing Basic Training. This week, the Cadre will be cleaning up and debriefing from Basic. Please let Lt. O'Neal know if anything is out of place around campus that needs our attention. Thanks again for all the prayers and support.
Staff Fellowship Meal Details [complimentary meals of the year and monthly fellowship meal details]

LunchSalad, Turkey Tortilla Soup, Grilled Cheese
DinnerSalad, Lasagna, Garlic Bread

WEDNESDAY Awards & Promotions, Birthday Lunch
LunchSalad, Mini Meatloaves, Roasted Vegetables, Pasta Salad, Coconut Cream Pie Bars
DinnerFruit, Fish Tacos

LunchSalad, Pizza
DinnerSalad, Chicken Strips, Fries, Corn

FRIDAY Graduation
Brunch: Whole Fruit, Cinnamon Rolls, Veggie Quiche, Bacon
DinnerSalad, Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Crescent Rolls

Brunch: Fruit Salad, Breakfast Enchiladas, Old Fashioned Donuts

Kitchen closes after brunch until Wednesday, June 21.
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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