Subject: Campus News 1-17-22

Monday, January 17, 2022
"Let them thank the LORD for His steadfast love, for His wondrous works to the children of man!" Psalm 107:31
Current Events    
  • Jan 17 Excel starts (Birch, Classroom 126) 
  • Jan 17 Ladies Night Out (Honoring Laura Paine) 
  • Jan 19 Prayer and Fasting
  • Jan 28–30 ALERT Reunion (RSVP for meals this week!)
  • Feb 9 Staff Birthday Lunch
  • Feb 10 Staff Valentines Banquet
  • Feb 18 Excel Graduation 
Ladies Night Out
All ladies are invited to celebrate with Laura Paine in anticipation of their baby girl with a "Ladies Night Out" on Monday, Jan. 17 at 6:30 PM. Details here! Further questions can be directed to Kathryn Staddon. 
Sewing Room
Please note that the Sewing Room will close at 4 PM today. 
RSVP for Reunion Meals
Our ALERT Reunion Menu is posted! Please RSVP by Friday for the meals you plan to attend. 
Prayer and Fasting | Dr. Levendusky
I would like to call our staff and families to a day of prayer and fasting on Wednesday, January 19. Several of the important matters before us all as a ministry and staff include:
  • ALERT battalion, deployments, and upcoming Reunion
  • Health and strength for all involved, especially our staff, and our ALERT and Excel program participants
  • Character Sketch Volume IV, artists to finish their work, Biblical Character Illustrated curriculum completion
  • Media attention and disparaging web-based authors or speakers presently happening
  • Unit 66 Basic Training in March and Big Sandy Family Conference in April
  • Water well project on campus to be completed
  • Sale of Oak Brook properties
  • Supreme Court and Fifth Court of Appeals cases involving Mississippi and Texas laws
  • COVID disease, elevation of truth, and proper responses to treat it personally and worldwide
Please join us in your own personal seeking of the Lord, as well as corporately together Wednesday at noon in the Faculty Dining room for an extended time of prayer.

COVID Awareness — Omicron | Dr. Levendusky 
Dr. Peter McCullough has been sharing helpful treatment plans and equally important, recent studies that show that Omicron can look quite different from the “Alpha” and “Delta” variants that many of us have had. For this variant, please be aware that it may look very similar to a common cold or flu. He said that Omicron is more upper respiratory, while the other variants tended to move quickly into the lungs. Omicron symptoms are runny nose, stuffy head, sore throat, headache, serious lethargy, and fever. Though Omicron is reportedly less severe, it is highly contagious and there may still be greater risk for some than for others.

Therefore, we urge everyone to use extra caution, and if you are experiencing these symptoms, please stay home. Just as any of us would have done prior to the entry of COVID-19 to our world, please consider it vitally important on how to reduce the spread to others during the contagious stages (i.e. when you have any symptoms and are not feeling well.)

ALERT Reunion
Staff and families are welcome to join us for the upcoming ALERT Reunion, January 28–30. Captain Clay Rowland, Basic Training Commanding Officer for Units 12-25 will be the keynote speaker on Saturday, and RFC Caleb Reed (Unit 44) will be sharing for church on Sunday. Please note that Campus Fellowship will be joining the reunion for church in the Field House.

If you are ALERT alumni and register for the reunion by January 13, you will receive your unit shirt! Please visit for more information. 

Leadership Corner | Maj. Boulden
"Life often throws us curveballs, and we don’t always have control over how things unfold. What we do have control over is how we respond to those situations. The outcomes we experience in life are often a direct result of the questions we ask ourselves.
  • How do I want to be remembered? In planning anything, the best place to begin is with the end in mind. What’s the outcome you want? How do you want the story to end? How do you want people to think of you when you’re gone?
  • What matters most? It’s possible you’ve never given yourself permission to ask this question. You spend your time instead tending to others. But what’s important to you? This is about priorities and values. No one else can decide what they are for you.
  • What single, brave decision do I need to make today? It can feel daunting to reach for something new. But you don’t have to know all the steps or how everything will play out. You only need to decide on the one thing you can do now to create some movement forward.
Cutting through the confusion of life begins with getting clarity." - Michael Hyatt


LunchSalad, Chicken Spaghetti, Green Beans, Garlic Bread
DinnerSalad, Mongolian Beef, Rice, Steamed Broccoli, Spring Rolls

LunchGrapes, Homemade Pitas, Chicken Shawarma, Creamy Garlic Sauce, Roasted Potatoes
DinnerSalad, Baked Tilapia, Cheesy Broccoli Rice, Cheddar Bay Biscuits

LunchSupreme Burritos, Tortilla Chips, Guacamole
DinnerSalad, Chicken Pot Pie, Applesauce

LunchSalad, Barbeque Beef Sandwiches, Fries, Baked Beans
DinnerSalad, Parmesan Chicken, Pasta, Breadsticks

LunchSalad, Irish Stew, Soda Bread, Apple Pie
DinnerSalad, Pizza, Sweet Tea

BrunchFruit Salad, Spinach Quiche, Bacon, Cream of Wheat
International ALERT Academy, One Academy Blvd., Big Sandy, Texas 75755, United States
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