Subject: Did someone say 'something for nothing?'

Hi Friend

Would you like some 100% recyclable coffee cups for nothing?

It’s not very often that you get something for nothing in this world, but a company called Tabletalk Media might be the exception to that rule.

They are an innovative marketing company that works with brands to get in front of Coffee Shop customers effortlessly, on the cup.

They know that every penny counts to the independent coffee shop and cafe owners and that their consumable costs are not getting any lower!

Brands that take part pay for their exposure by producing special edition cups etc. that are sent free of charge to participating coffee shops and cafes.

If you would like to become a Tabletalk Media partner, then contact Steve Davis


Andrew & Claire

PS a reminder to join our newest Facebook group for start up coffee shops and cafes - click this link

Cafe Success, Suite 3 Bignell Park Barns, OX26 1TD, Chesterton, United Kingdom
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