Subject: Re:Hi Friend, one of my top favourite Cryptocurrency price prediction !

Holding the right coin at the right time is highly important and could have significant implications on profitability.
Back at Faburary I have made this highly accurate call to start selling out holdings on the Litecoin and shift back to Bitcoin as it was increasingly evident that the Bitcoin is going to significantly out perform the Litecoin. Needless to say, I had reduced my Crypto holding in general from 100% in early January to 5% these days following this bear market. 
4 months later and the LTC/BTC had reached my CMatrix key level and price target at 0.012. Is this the right time to shift back to Litecoin again? Maybe not so fast... Check out this recent video analytics I have made on the most popular inter-exchange Cryptocurrency in the market.
Bulletproof Traders, 21 Arthur Guertin, J8X 3E3, Gatineau, Canada
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