Subject: October 1 is World Sake Day

World Sake Day is celebrated annually on October 1 to recognize sake and its contributions to Japanese culture, from ceremonies to (obviously) celebrations. The day is also to deepen people’s love for sake and understanding of this beverage. It doesn’t matter if you live in or outside Japan, because the day is for all sake lovers all around the world. World Sake Day marks the beginning of the annual rice harvest, when sake production in Japan begins. So, gather together and enjoy this Japanese drink. Kampai!

 Swing into Bubbles and check out some of our massive sake selection!

Free sake tasting from Colorado's only Sake brewery.

Be sure and stop in. Kampai!

Who doesn’t love pizza? Seriously. Show yourself and be shamed! We’re kidding, of course. But it’s really hard to find someone who thinks a zesty sauce topped by gooey cheese, mountains of meats and voluminous veggies (if that’s your bag) isn’t the best thing on this side of heaven. In fact, a not-insignificant percentage of the world’s gourmands consider pizza — with its almost endless varieties of preparation — to be their favorite food of all! What’s more, pizza has a long and storied history that may surprise you. So preheat the oven, and dig into National Pizza Month this October!

 Be sure and pick up one of these southern Italian beauties to pair with your pizza.

Mezcal vs. Tequila. Both mezcal and tequila are made from agave, so what’s the difference between them? Basically, Tequila is a type of mezcal. While mezcal can be produced from up to 50 species of the agave plant, Tequila can be made from just one: agave tequilana Weber, or Weber blue agave. Additionally, agave that’s earmarked for Tequila is steamed in ovens, while the plant is often roasted in underground pits for mezcal, which can provide a distinctive

smoky note.

The medium-bodied Belgian pale ale exhibits apple and pear aromas at the nose and features banana, fruit, spice, and wheat flavors. Delirium Tremens is exported worldwide, and is here at Bubbles.

Lobster Dogs Food Truck focuses on a limited menu with delicious premium ingredients. It will be here at Bubbles on Friday and If you're wondering “What wine pairs with lobster?", pop in and we'll be happy

to suggest.

OK, you caught me. Oktoberfest started a couple of weeks ago. Let's go ahead and finish it strong with some great German wines! Let's oompa together with some authentic German food and wines as we learn a little about some of my favorite food pairings!

Come to Bubbles and enter your name to win this Traeger Tailgater, sponsored by Caymus Vineyards and Wagner Family of Wine.

Swing by and taste these light, easy-drinking malt beverages that feature natural, non-artificial flavors. In other words, seltzers that don’t taste so “setlzery”.


We are open 9 am - 8 pm, Monday

through Saturday

Sunday, 10 am - 8 pm



675 Genoa Way

Castle Rock, CO 80109

Telephone: (303) 468-8100

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