Subject: Newsletter Brofman Foundation - March 2022 - We are one

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March 2022
We are one

This month we invite you
 to feel the connection with all other beings,
to experience being part of a whole,
to see each being as a member of your family, of your body, of your soul. 
 Zoom open guided meditation tonight  06:00 PM Paris
The Brofman Foundation team invites you to another Zoom meditation tonight.
Don't hesitate to invite your friends to join !

Just click on the link and you will automatically join the meeting.

Date and time :  
Tuesday  March 1st,  2022 06:00 PM Paris

Link :

We have Zoom meditations every two weeks and you can check the links on our Facebook page
March  April and May Classes 

Greece - Thessaloniki - 19 and 20 March - Body Mirror System with Annick Brofman

Greece - Eretria - 23 / 27 March - Level 1 Intensive Body Mirror  with Annick Brofman                                                      
Portugal - Lisbon - 26 and 27 March - Vision Class with Anne-Birte Christensen 

Portugal - Porto - 2 and 3 April - Body Mirror System Class with Anne-Birte Christensen 

United Kingtom - London - 9 and 10 April  - Vision Workshop with Annick Brofman 

Norway - Stavanger - 23 and 24 April - Body Mirror Class with Annick Brofman 

France - Lyon - 4 / 8 May - Level 1 Intensive Body Mirror  with Philippe Hannetelle

Funchal - 7 and 8 May - Body Mirror System Class with Annick Brofman -

Talking about us
The Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary in the U.K. 
has published an article about the Brofman Foundation in its magazine The Healer 
Here is the link to the forthcoming edition with the article on page 22,

Many thanks to Martin Thomas for this.
 We are one
When I was a child I was raised in a catholic school.

The nuns were exceptional. I was very lucky because they were truly pure love, pure kindness and devotion.

One day one of them said to me: "When your little toe hurts, your whole body hurts. When your little toe hurts, your hand hurts. When your little toe feels better, your hand feels better."

At the time I did not understand, I was 8 years old and the nun seemed a little weird and a little crazy to me.

Years later I understood the depth of her words.

When a human being is in pain, all of humanity suffers. When I heal a being, I heal all of humanity, when I heal myself, all of humanity benefits.

We are all "ONE", a single consciousness and each being is a part of the organism.

Kindness to others and to oneself benefits everyone.

When we feel this deep connection with all members of humanity, we never feel alone again and we care for each other with love.

A little reminder :  Love heals
When we wonder about the meaning of it all, the nature of the Universe, the purpose of our Being, the purpose of our evolution, and why we are here, we may encounter in the esoteric philosophies the idea that we are each and all gods and goddesses.

Imagine being that. Being a god or goddess, when one is all that there is, can be a very solitary experience. While we can experience being the creator of the universe, containing all within, and constantly growing, expanding infinitely, and loving our creation as an extension of our Self, there are certain aspects of our own consciousness that are not accessible without considering co-creation and relating.

After all, can we be so chauvinistic as to believe that perhaps somewhere out there, there may not be another god/goddess/all-that-there-is creating their universe around them as we create ours around us? If so, how would we communicate?

As an expression of love, and to end our state of aloneness, as well as to explore these other aspects of our consciousness, we have agreed together to invest a part of ourselves in a plane of experience we call the physical universe. Then, the essential aspect of the contract underlying the creation of the physical universe is one of love as its intention. It is love, therefore, that is the cosmic “glue” holding it all together.

While we are each pure consciousness manifesting, the purpose of our manifestation is the evolution of our being, which must include love, the perception at the level of the Green Chakra, as an essential element.

From this level of perception, it is evident that everyone in the world is motivated by love, and sometimes reacting to the perception that it is not there. Nations guard their boundaries as an expression of love for their inhabitants. Other nations group together with others to create a sense of global community, again as an expression of love.

When we are born, love is necessary not only for our well being, but also for our very survival. Without the sense of love, and being wanted, children choose to not be born, or are born with parts of their energy systems impaired. We can say, in fact, that every symptom, every out-of-balance condition that can exist within the human energy system has perceptions of lack of love as its underlying cause.

We know that every symptom represents tensions in the consciousness, and that these tensions represent different ways that we hold ourselves back from being who we really are. This is either a reaction to the perception that love is not there, or that it might be taken away if we allowed ourselves to be who we really are, because of someone else’s ideas of what we “should” be doing. Either we feel not loved, or not worthy of love, or keep ourselves from being who we are because of the fear that love will be taken away.

Often, we play out scenarios in our lives that are repeats of what we have played before. The characters may be different, but the play is the same. When that happens, we seem bewildered, and ask ourselves, “Why am I seeing this movie again? Why am I living this scene again?”

To find the answer to that question, we can go back to the first time we saw that scene played out. That time, there was something incomplete about that scene. There was a missing ingredient. If that ingredient had been there, the scene would have been complete, and would not have left a question in our consciousness, and a sense of something not having been completed.

The missing ingredient is always the same. It is the perception that we are loved. The question in our consciousness that was unanswered was, “How can this be happening if I am loved?” The details may be different, but the basic question remains the same, whether the scenario is about desertion, or perceived wrongs, or misunderstandings. “If I were loved, this would not be happening. But it is happening. Therefore, I am not loved.”

As long as this question is in our consciousness, we re-create the scenario in order to correct the erroneous perception, add the missing ingredient, and complete the scene in a way that leaves us with understanding, and the perception that the love was there, whether or not it had been perceived.

There may have been perceived causes of the misperception, such as, “I’m not loved because I don’t deserve love,” or “It’s because I did something wrong,” or “I’m not good enough,” etc. Our life will be lived from then on in a way that affirms the validity of those decisions, until we change our ideas.

To correct the problem, we can add the missing ingredient to the original scene, making it complete. We can add the perception that we were loved. It can be through re-playing the scene from that point of view (“How must your father have felt having to leave you, if he really loved you?” “Oh, he must have felt really terrible.”), or by sending out a “love radar,” to see what comes back.

When the scene is re-played, adding the perception that we were indeed loved, something melts where there had been hardness, something feels softer, and we are able to let in the love we had for so long denied ourselves. Symptoms that had developed from the misperception can be released.

 From the book "Anything can be healed" Martin Brofman Published by Inner Traditions USA
The symptom of the month: Nail Biting
Regular nail biting that causes severe damage to the nail and surrounding skin can be considered a form of self-mutilation. Stress and boredom are the main nail biting reasons for most people. The habit is often a way to ease anxiety or to keep at least one part of the body occupied while the mind lacks interest, pointing to root chakra tensions, insecurity and not being present. The self-mutilation points to punishing one’s self for reasons of shame or guilt, even though the shame or guilt may be without specific personal reason, but rather because of closed crown chakra tensions, feeling isolated, and thus not feeling the love around them, not feeling loved. When the nail biting results in damage to the fingers, and the person has to hide their hands, that also points to shame or guilt and not feeling worthy of achieving their goals. 
Success story and feedback from classes of the month
In June 2020 I had surgery to completely remove the thyroid, the doctor told me that for 6 months the parathyroids would be destabilized and that I would have to compensate with calcium, a year and a half later they came to the conclusion that the error had affected the parathyroids and that I would have to take very high doses of calcium every day. In November I did the intensive and one of the requests was that my body balances itself in the calcium level, because the symptoms of lack of calcium were very uncomfortable, spasms, numbness, joint pain..., I decide that the cure was happening and that even with a dose of calcium, half of
what the doctors said, a cure would happen. last week I went to do the routine analyses, the first ones after the intensive, and the calcium values ​​were normal, values ​​that, for those who have parathyroids not working, and with the dose of calcium I'm taking, there's no explanation.
Thank you Body Mirror System!
Our perceptions create our reality

C.V. Portugal

Brofman Foundation, 3, Place de la Riponne, Lausanne, CH-1005, Switzerland
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