Subject: Newsletter Brofman Foundation - April 2019 - The time for butterflies

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- April 2019 -
It's Spring time,  time for butterflies in the stomach.
Maybe a time to discover more about your sexuality, 
To create a space with music and candles,
Or being in the meadows and let yourself being carried away
By the sweet grass and the perfume of flowers.

The symptom of the month : Sexually Transmitted Disease

Any sexually transmitted disease, even those that do not affect the sexual organs, reflect ambivalence about sexuality, and possibly conflict in sexual values based on what the individual may perceive in others. The person may feel that their own sexual values are “wrong.”

Celebrate your sexuality, a path to realization
There are a lot of different approaches to sexuality and the way human beings should live it.. or not.

You should not make you different than who you are to fit into a spiritual path, which should be the path of your spirit, who you really are. Your path should describe who you are, not define you. There are many ways, and they all lead to the same place.

Different people have different points of view. For example, Osho said that the one measure of your evolution is the intensity of your orgasm. Some are more dismissive of liberal sexuality and others say you should avoid sexuality. First you should celebrate your sexuality and see where are your preferences. It's a world of various and infinite possibilities. Live your own standards, with what works for you. You have to own and acknowledge the real you, who you really are and see who is attracted. A lot of people are measuring you by their life standards, and it' s the same concerning sexuality. Live yours, what works for you and what brings you joy.

Sacred sexuality, as described in Eastern philosophies, is also an opening to unconditional love. It is a fundamental element of the development of being on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual. It brings an inner transformation, it allows us to step out of sexual ignorance and explore the path to spiritual realization. Tantra says: accept yourself as you are.

Always respect the other and don't mix power with sexuality.

The link between body feeling and sexuality
A healthy body feeling and a clear sexuality are closely linked. The second chakra has to do with listening to the body, what he asks and what he needs to do and is associated with sexuality and food. Sometimes the lack is compensated by the other part of the chakra function. Thus, food can also be used to compensate hunger for sex.

The social environment and religion with its moral norms and predefined beliefs can distort the clear view of one's own body and sexuality and cause tensions or symptoms.

I grew up in a society where the natural body was accepted in its beauty and purity as it is. There were no plastic surgery or corrections to be sexually attractive. There was also no internet in which all possible and impossible ideas about sexuality were accessible. I felt free to show my naked body and whenever I wanted I could hide it. It was not overly discussed in magazines and so we grew up free and carefree, with or without body hair. There was no constraint or need. Religion did not matter. In our family, being naked was something natural. It had not been highlight in an extreme way as I later experienced in France on a nudist beach. There was not much talk about it and so everyone could discover their wishes and preferences on their own. Today I know how valuable this form of education was.

There is a field of exploration and self-discovery for everyone. Sexuality changes and the more openly one deals with one's partner and communicates, the more fulfilling it is for one's self and one's partner

Success story of the month
I had lichen sclerosus in the vulva. I HAD, because I don’t have any more! So I am very happy about that, and I would like to thank you for the healing you gave me, the advice and the inspiration. I am very grateful.
Classes in April
 Vision Workshop 
 with Annick Brofman in London
 April 6 and 7

Next classes in English
Classes in other languages

For workshops in Belgium, England, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Norway ...

Go to the calendar of the Foundation:
Brofman Foundation, 3, Place de la Riponne, Lausanne, CH-1005, Switzerland
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