Subject: Prosperity tips from two spirit animals with wings

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Today's Affirmation:

"Cultivating peace prepares the ground of my life for seeds of abundance to grow. "

Hi Friend,

Flying high is a metaphor for living a life of prosperity, don't you agree? Then how wonderful that flying things have been showing up in the free group Abundance sessions I've been doing this month. 

The week before last, Dove showed up in the form of the image above. Of course, Dove is the universal symbol of peace. 

Think about it - do living things grow better in times of stress and chaos, or when they are calm and peaceful? Of course some stress is unavoidable and can even be necessary, but maintaining a sense of peace really does help to prepare our ground for more of the things we want to see happen and appear in our lives.

One of the things Dove asked us to consider is to find our anchors. Who or what keeps you grounded when seas get rough? (For me a big one is time in nature.) Be grateful for them, honor them, and seek them out regularly!

Last week, Bee came in, and had quite a lot to say. One of my biggest takeaways was super tied in to Dove's message, now that I think about it. It was this: that even busy Bee takes time to rest (and quite a lot of time, as it turns out.) 

Now, Bees are masters of abundance. And they know that being overtired only leads to creating lots of buzz with no result. Something to keep in mind! :-)

This week's Abundance call takes place tomorrow, May 19, at 8 PM Eastern time. 

This week I'm feeling guided to revisit the Dove image above, in light of some prosperity insights one of my mentors, Ryan Angelo, explained in his call last Friday. I must say, the drawing dovetails nicely, and I'll be sharing how (along with a quick energetic reading & clearing around Prosperity)! ;-) 

Join me tomorrow if you're ready to invite more Prosperity, Wealth & Abundance into your life. (You don't even have to sign up. Just show up if you feel inspired! Details below.)

Love & blessings,


P.S. Some feedback from last week's call:

 "...again thank you that was profound, how you tapped straight in to what I needed.The energy of the universe and recognizing the higher self and my ability to be still and be grateful for it all! I had a distinct picture of the need to do more dancing in celebration and appreciation of the wonderful natural world around us. This is really a powerful and wonderful thing you are offering... Last week you opened the flood gates on something and this week has built on it again!"

Living Abundance Energy Clearing Series

What it is: Let's clear out those Prosperity blocks! Group session includes channeled message and energy clearing surrounding Abundance, Wealth and Prosperity issues. Woo hoo! :-)

When: Every Thursday in May, alternating weeks at 8 PM and 10 am Eastern time. 
This week's session is scheduled for: May 12, 2016 10:00 AM (GMT-4:00) Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Where: This is a remote session you can access from anywhere over the internet. 

Price: FREE

How to join: 
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap: 16465687788,414952641# or 14157629988,414952641#

Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 646 568 7788 (US Toll) or +1 415 762 9988 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 414 952 641
International numbers available: 

What to expect: I can't guarantee specific results, but expect to experience a shift in your energetic relationship to wealth and abundance. This is the third one I've done and I can DEFINITELY feel the shift happening! :-)


About Christie
Christie Michelsen is an artist, writer and intuitive who works closely with animal spirits, angels and other guides to facilitate right relationship with inner and outer Nature. 

She also excels at helping entrepreneurs promote and brand themselves with confidence. If you are a business owner looking for serious marketing support, confidence training and/or creativity coaching, reply to this email for a free 1/2 hour discovery session. 

Contact Christie at View more of her art at
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