Subject: A little bird can do it. Can you?

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Today's Affirmation:

"My heart's desire is within my reach."

Photo by GLady

Hi Friend,

For those of us in the Northern hemisphere, and especially in the northern tiers of the Northern Hemisphere, all you have to do to witness Nature demonstrating the Law of Attraction is head outside.

Spring is in full swing, and Love is definitely in the air. The birds, in other words, are going NUTS with their courtship rituals!

There are 3 secrets to manifesting what you want, which the birds are great at practicing.

  • One, is to have desire or passion for something.
  • The second, is to FOCUS your will on that thing.
  • And the third is to take concrete ACTION in the direction of achieving your desire.

What is the your greatest hope, dream, desire? Do you believe you can achieve it?

I found an oriole's nest the other day, left over from last year.

I picked it up, and marveled at how a little bird could create something so impressively engineered, and so exquisite.

If a little bird can achieve such a seemingly impossible task simply as a byproduct of its pursuit of purpose, why not you?

Weaving a nest may not be your goal, but whatever your desire is, I assure you it's within your grasp - IF you adhere to the principles above.

When you start moving toward your desires, don't be surprised if you start to experience massive resistance. Parts of yourself (specifically, ego parts) are scared by change and want to keep you in the comfort zone - even if it's miserable there!

Your ego will make up all sorts of excuses. 'I can't because___________" Fill in the blank: "I don't have time." "People will think I'm weird." "I just don't have the money."

I'm telling you though, if you really want something and really set your mind to it, you will find a way.

The antidote is to take ACTION. And you will find that the Universe steps up to help you.

With that in mind, I've decided to start a series of weekly Group Energy Healings to help jump start the process of unblocking so you can start to unleash your true potential.

And I'm hammering first on Abundance and Prosperity since that is probably the most common objection our egos like to throw in our way.

I'm offering these sessions at a very low cost to make them available to everyone who is truly determined to start taking action towards their Purpose.

Here are the deets:

Living Abundance Energy Clearing Series

What it is: Let's clear out those Prosperity blocks! Group session includes channeled message and energy clearing surrounding Abundance, Wealth and Prosperity issues. Woo hoo! :-)

When: Every Thursday for the next 6 weeks, alternating weeks at 8 PM and 10 am Eastern time.

Where: This is a remote session you can access from anywhere over the phone or Internet.

Price: $8 for a single session. (Look up the meaning of this Angel Number here. You'll be given a coupon for a discount on future sessions.)

How to join: Click the button to reserve your spot!

Love & blessings,


P.S. I'll be writing more about Attraction and manifesting Success and Abundance in the next few issues - stay tuned! :-)

Bird nest photo by Skeeze
About Christie
Christie Michelsen is an artist, writer and intuitive life and business coach who works closely with animal spirits, angels and other guides to help her clients come into right relationship with inner and outer Nature. She is also adept at helping entrepreneurs overcome challenges to success.

Christie's warm and compassionate approach combines intuitive shamanic techniques with practical wisdom to help you:
  • Clarify your purpose
  • Identify and banish fears and blocks
  • Heal interpersonal and family relationships
  • Achieve a sense of wholeness and integrity
  • Discover and release limiting beliefs
  • Come into deeper connection with Mother Earth and the natural world
  • Identify and LET GO of doubts, fears and limiting beliefs so you can be confident and successful
  • Connect with your angels, guides, and your inner voice that can help you make the right choices for your life and/or business
Reply to this email to inquire about booking a free Transform Your Life Discovery Session with Christie.
Upcoming Live Event (Milwaukee Area):

Join me Sunday, May 1 at Angel Light, LLC for a full day workshop:

The Secrets of Connecting with Power Animals

If you have ever wondered how to find your spirit animal, and how it can help you achieve peace, harmony and abundance in your life, this workshop is for you.

In this full day session we will explore the world of spirit animals and totems. We will learn about different types of spirit animals, and different methods for connecting with them - including what not to do when working with spirit animals.

We'll also discover various ways to communicate with spirit animal guides and allies, and how to interpret their messages to you.

This is an experiential workshop and will include guided meditations and other activities. Whether you have yet to meet an animal guide, or already work with several, this workshop will help you realize a deeper connection with your spirit animal allies.

Fee: $111 Call Angel Light at (262) 787-3001 to register.
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Ona Christie Martin, PO Box 55, Eben Junction, MI 49825, United States
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