Subject: Real Impact=Join the Movement!

Real Impact


Join the Movement!

Are you concerned about the devastating impact of plastic pollution and its impact on climate change, but feel powerless to make a difference? Are you tired of waiting for politicians and policymakers to take action while the problem only worsens?

We understand you are anxious and frustrated... But now is the time to take action and demand solutions!

Join the global movement of #BreakFreeFromPlastic and a community of millions of supporters from more than 186 countries, your impact will be felt!

By signing the petition for a global treaty and participating in the mini brand audit, you'll be part of a powerful force that's stopping corporations from using disposable plastic and activating systemic change!

Don't underestimate the power you have in demanding solutions!

Add your name to tell world leaders to support a global treaty on plastic pollution that addresses this entire life cycle of plastics, including extraction, production, transport, use, disposal, and remediation today!

Track all plastic packaging disposed of throughout your day (e.g., food wrappers, beverage containers) for as little as 1 day, and up to 7 days. Your data will be aggregated anonymously to identify the top polluting brands. BFFP will then use this data to motivate companies to embrace plastic-free systemic change. Get started today!

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