Subject: BFFP Newsletter: Two BIG Victories in St. James Parish, Louisiana, USA ... plus a plastics education training program, new reuse platform, and more!

Latest News and Updates

Two Big Wins: Pushing Back Against Petrochemical Expansion in “Cancer Alley”

#BreakFreeFromPlastic Members have won two major victories against the petrochemical industry in St. James Parish, Louisiana, U.S.

First, the coalition of local leaders declared victory against South Louisiana Methanol, which had planned to build a $2.2 billion petrochemical complex between two historic Black neighborhoods in St. James Parish. It would have been the largest methanol production facility in North America.

Now, only a few days later, the Louisiana Judicial District Court has thrown out Formosa Plastics’ air permits, which would have allowed the so-called “Sunshine Project”Now, only a few days later, the Louisiana Judicial District Court has thrown out Formosa Plastics’ air permits for the so-called “Sunshine Project” — a massive petrochemical complex spanning 2,400 acres, which would have doubled to tripled the levels of cancer-causing pollutants in a region already known as “Cancer Alley”.

Stopping Formosa Plastics has been a fight for our lives, and today David has toppled Goliath,” said Sharon Lavigne, founder and president of RISE St. James. “The judge’s decision sends a message to polluters like Formosa that communities of color have a right to clean air, and we must not be sacrifice zones.”


Brand audits in Indonesia with Greenpeace Ocean Defender, 2022

Celebrate World Cleanup Day This Saturday With a Brand Audit!

This Saturday is World Cleanup Day, and that means many of you will be out in your communities picking up plastic waste. For those joining or organizing brand audit events for World Cleanup Day, we wish you the best of luck! Please share your photos with us by tagging @breakfreefromplastic    and using the

hashtag #brandaudit2022, or submit your photos here. For those still interested in doing a brand audit, we are accepting data until September 30th - check out our website to learn how you can contribute. Whether you do a brand audit with a group or on your own, examine plastic waste outside or within your own home, all brand audits are valuable and make a difference!


Join BFFP’s Plastics Education Training Program

#breakfreefromplastic is rolling out our plastic-free education training program in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The program consists of a plastic-free education curriculum for ages 5 to 18 and a training program that will support educators in integrating the curriculum for their specific needs. It also includes access to an educators’ network for teachers to share resources and best

practices, with the aim of building an international community of educators committed to helping resolve the plastic pollution crisis. Join us for the launch on September 30th at 4 PM Manila time. The event is hosted by Antoinette Taus, Goodwill Ambassador for the UN Environment Programme. Interpretation will be available in Bahasa Indonesian and French.


Behind the Sachet! video series logo

Behind the Sachets (BTS) Series

Single-use sachets (multilayered flexible plastic packaging) are polluting our environment, and the burden of addressing the problem falls disproportionately on civil society, instead of on the corporations that continue to produce them for packaging. Nexus 3 Foundation, a #breakfreefromplastic member, reveals the truth about these sachets in their series, "Behind the Sachet" (BTS). Tune in at the end of every video to hear from an expert who busts some of the common misconceptions about sachets.


Uganda members at their first members meeting in Kampala

Uganda Members Host First Members Meeting in Kampala

From 05 to 07 September 2022, End Plastic Pollution hosted the first gathering of the GAIA & BFFP Africa members in Kampala, Uganda. Members identified strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing the region. They learned about each group's priorities on campaigns towards zero waste, plastic, anti-incineration, and climate, and familiarised themselves with key messages and positions to inform their own campaign.

work. Thank you to End Plastic Pollution, Community Transformation Foundation Network, Green Africa Youth Organisation, Pro-Biodiversity Conservationists In Uganda, and Bio Vision Africa BIVA for your hard work in the #zerowaste movement.


Image Credit: PLANET REUSE (2022)

New Reuse Platform: PLANET REUSE

Planet Reuse is a new platform that aims to connect and bring together professionals working on the topic of reuse in Europe. It offers tools and resources which help to boost the potential of local reuse initiatives as part of the ongoing reuse revolution in Europe.


@bffpyouth tiktok page

BFFP Youth Ambassadors are on Tiktok!

#breakfreefromplastic Youth Ambassadors are tackling false solutions, corporate responsibility, and a lot more on TikTok! Be inspired by their efforts to educate and challenge myths in their own creative way. Show them some support by following, sharing, and giving their posts some love. You can even download and share their videos on your own social media channels!


If you haven't yet, update your member information here so we know how to support your work better!


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