Subject: [PODCAST] Why Your Goals and Resolutions Will Cripple You

If you follow the advice most goal setting guru's tell you, you stand a good chance of never reaching any of them.

I can almost hear you thinking, "But wait...isn't this more of a topic around January 1st?"

And you couldn't be more correct.

We've come to expect this sort topic to surface around then by most people.

But I'm not like most people.

Call me counter-cultural, call me a contrarian - but I've found that by this time of year, most people have already given up on their New Years' resolutions and goals.

So by my unique way of thinking, it's the best time of year to drop some value bombs on ya.

In this podcast, I'm talking about the BIGGEST key to achieving your goals and resolutions.

It's the kind of stuff they conveniently seem to leave out when this topic comes up....

Here's to knowing the honest truth when you're trying to plan your life,

Matt Hardy
BizDevShots Podcast