Subject: 😰 Jerome Powell: Inflation is NOT moderately above 2%, it is WELL above 2% 😬

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Inflation has forever been a dirty word when it comes to the markets.

Governments forever try to ignore it, juke the stats and pretend that there's nothing to see here, because they know if inflation increases... the party's over.

Because once inflation gets momentum, it's like a steamroller running over the economy and markets.

This is due to the fact that inflation causes widespread - and sometimes sharp - price increases on goods and services.

There are many stories of how this has happened over the years.

In Russia when inflation took over, workers were exchanging wheelbarrows full of rubles for a loaf of bread.

In the 1970's in Brazil, wage worker's salaries were adjusted monthly to compensate for inflation. Then when prices got to a certain point, the government took a zero off of everything.

In an environment like this, everything increases. Basic necessities. Oil. Gas. Food.

The cost strangles the growth of the economy and consumer discretionary spending.

And when consumers stop spending, the party's over.

The economy collapses.

And with the stock market and real estate markets having been propelled to new highs, everyone's worried about inflation.

U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said:
"Inflation is not moderately above 2%, it is well above 2%. We understand that. It is also not tied to the usual things inflation is tied to. This is a shock going through the system associated with the reopening of the economy. We are not comfortable with that."

"The challenge we are confronting is how to react to this inflation, which is larger than we expected."

"Debt is growing substantially faster than the economy. In the long run, that is not sustainable. The laws of gravity have not been repealed."

All this will directly affect our lives in the coming months and years.

So, I have to ask, "Are you ready for a huge market shake up?"

Are you poised and ready to take advantage of the upcoming opportunities?

Or do you not know where to look?

If you don't know, there's still time.

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If you want in, you can check it out here:

Here's to beating the markets and inflation!

Your Minister of Capitalism,
Brett Davison