Subject: 15 days betting (check out all the results)

Hi Friend,

Over the past few weeks I've been betting with Jack's Yankee Profits service. 

The bet is the same every day, a simple £1 Yankee, total £11 per day. 

He bets Monday to Saturday every week and in 15 betting days these have been the results:

Days Betting: 15
Profitable Days: 8 
Percentage Profitable Days: 53.3%
Biggest Return: £62.50
Biggest Loss: £11

Overall Profit/Loss: £135.88

Not bad from just £11 per day. 

I've bet a total of £165 and had £300.88 returned, a Return on total investment of 182%

Its a simple low risk method that allows Jack and his members to withdraw the profits on a monthly basis, just keeping back the initial starting bank required to start the next month. 

If you want to get started betting with Jack, you can join his service here:

Thank You
The BOOM King