Subject: can you build muscle after 40 ?

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

Growing old and getting fat… That seems to be the path most men over 40 are heading down…

It's quite common to see guys in their 40's and beyond just give up on their health and fitness...

Maybe you've tried different workouts, tried different diets, tried different supplements, etc. and never found anything that really worked for you...

I know it's very frustrating, I understand what you're going through.

These days I see so many guys drowning in knowledge, but yet starving for wisdom...

Just let that last line sink in...

Right now you have access to more workouts, more diet plans, more books, more videos, more fitness trackers, more supplements, and more "stuff" than ever before in the history of the world... Yet you're still struggling to build muscle and lose fat... WHY?

Simply learning more stuff and gathering more knowledge isn't the answer.

Knowledge is accumulation, whereas true wisdom is elimination!

Wisdom is knowing what you DON'T have to do.

This is huge, because once you free yourself from all the crap, hype, and BS that's out there, you can finally focus on the few key elements that will actually allow you to make real progress!

Just check out what one of my personal coaching students, Matt Webb, shared yesterday on our private VIP Coaching Facebook Group...
Matt's Muscle After 40 Progress!
When Matt reached out to me for help last year, he was training hard, following a low carb keto diet, and doing everything he thought he was "supposed to do" based on all the knowledge he had gathered over the years...

Yet he was stuck in a plateau and frustrated by his lack of progress!

(hence the reason he reached out to me in the first place)

Instead of making his diet and training program more complicated, we simplified it...

We cut out the crap, stopped the fad diets, and just focused on mastering the basics and doing the few critical things that actually matter...

The result? At 47 years old Matt is now in the best shape of his life...
Strong, lean, muscular, and healthy... And he actually enjoys the process, how cool is that?

If you're ready to "start over" for the last time and finally claim the gains you deserve... without punishing your body, or following stupid fat diets... Then check out my website Muscle After 40 Blueprint and let's see if we can come up with a realistic action plan that works for you.
all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Over 40 Muscle Building Coach)

I help guys over 40 - who don't want to be fat anymore - lose the gut, build muscle, and get back in shape!

If that's you, then I might be able to help... If you're ready to "Start Again" for the last time and finally build a lean healthy body that you can be proud of, just visit my website -
Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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