Subject: Working Out, Eating Right, But NOT Building Muscle

Lee Hayward's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Tips
Hey Friend,

When most guys start lifting weights and building their body, they go through a serious of progressive stages...

Stage One - Weight Training For Building Muscle:

This one is pretty obvious. In order to build a bigger more muscular body you need to provide training stimulus to your muscles with some form of progressive strength training. Without training stimulus, there's no reason to grow - it's as simple as that.

Stage Two - Proper Muscle Building Nutrition:

In order to maximize your gains in the gym you need to fuel your body by consistently eating the proper amounts of calories, protein, carbs, fats, and nutrients. Now the actual specifics of your nutrition program will vary depending on your body type and fitness goals. But it's fair to say that without proper nutrition you'll never maximize your muscle building potential, regardless of how hard you workout in the gym.

Stage Three - Lifestyle Factors:

A lot of guys will get the first two stages down pat. After all, there are a lot of great workout programs that you can follow. There are well structured bodybuilding diet plans available, along with apps for keeping track of your nutritional intake. But even with proper training and proper nutrition, a lot of guys are still struggling to build a lean muscular body...

What separates the average hardgainer, from the advanced bodybuilder isn't the exercises they do, or the foods they eat... But rather it's all the little things that they do outside of the gym. I refer to this as "Lifestyle Factors".

Working Out, Eating Right, But NOT Building Muscle? Here's Why...

If you don't get this final stage right you'll always be struggling to build muscle and leaving potential gains on the table.

There's one problem in particular that is affecting one in every two men.
According to a brand new study published in the National Institute of Health... This problem can cause serious muscle loss (doctors call it sarcopenia)...

...and can age your main muscle building hormone, testosterone, by nearly two decades!

Here's 5 "symptoms" to watch out for that may be hindering your muscle gains (and manhood) while you sleep:
  • You only get morning erections 3-4 times per week
  • You hit your snooze button at least once each morning
  • You wake up feeling tired and sluggish most days
  • You experience inconsistent energy levels throughout the day… or feel the need to take a nap
  • You wake up in the middle of the night or have trouble falling asleep within the first 5 minutes of closing your eyes in bed
If you are regularly experiencing any of these symptoms, then it could be the reason why you are struggling to build muscle in the gym.

Now, I know it sounds crazy. Yet hear me out... because I'd hate for you to miss out on the results you should be getting... and feel unhappy about your body.

Or worse - even lose some of the muscle you have already gained because you're not taking this seriously.

Trust me, you'll want to correct this issue NOW before it gets worse...

Working Out, Eating Right, But NOT Building Muscle? Here's Why...
all the best, 
Lee Hayward
(Your Muscle Building Coach)

Lee Hayward
P.O. Box 13175
CBS, NL, A1W 2K1
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